Theosophical History: Vol. V, No. 5 January 1995. James A. Santucci, Department of Religious Studies, California State University at Fullerton.

Scarce academic journal of Theosophical history.


Journal Inedit de Ricardo Vines - Robert Boyd
The Mystic Life of Alfred Deakin
A History for a Nation
Australia’s First Fabians
Hands Full of Life
The Forgotten Christians of Hangzhou - John Cooper
Theosophy and Theosophic Thought Seminar - Joscelyn Godwin
 Pansophy as an Alternative to Theosophy - W.R. Laudahn
The Letters of H.P. Blavatsky to W.Q. Judge: Part IV: Letter Dated Aug. 12, 1887, and Part IVa: Letter from Bertram Keightley to W. Q. Judge - Michael Gomes
Stranded Bishops (Part IV of the OTO) - Peter-Robert König
The Rose Cross and the Age of Reason - Joscelyn Godwin
Theosophy in the Nineteenth Century - Robert S. Ellwood

Format: 7 x 8.5" softcover, saddle-stapled, 37pp.