When Michael was performing his "Dangerous Tour" in Mexico City, he met Flor Sequieros, who was a television producer. She produced a TV special for Mexican TV based on his concerts. Here is the link to her TV Program:  

"Live in Mexico:  The Dangerous Tour"


As we know, Michael always visited an orphanage in every city in which he performed.  Flor, whom he called "Flower",took him to visit an orphanage that she supports. They became very good friends and after that visit- every year- he would give her some of his personal items to sell with the money going to support the orphanage.

She sold several of the items he gave her that one last time in June 2009 shortly before his death, and I was fortunate to be able to buy several.

This is why this item is so very rare and one-of-a-kind. It gave me chills when I read what he wrote. It is almost like he had a premonition that he didn't have long to live.

Flor now lives in California and owns her own production company, "Comatose Communications" Here is a link to a brief biography of her.


I was  able to meet her in person when I, and group of friends, traveled to California to visit "all places related to Michael".

This is why this item is so very rare and one-of-a-kind. I believe it is obvious, based on what he wrote, that it was Michael's thoughts about Tom Sneddon, the district attorney that seemed to have a personal vendetta against him, and was the lead prosecutor in the 2005 child abuse trial of which Michael was found innocent of all charges. Michael's words showed his true heart that he could be so magnanimous towards Snedden after all he had put him through.

I have her COA for the item (see photo).  She has also stated that if a potential buyer wishes to contact her for more information to confirm its authenticity, she would be willing to answer any questions you may have.  She said that you can Google her name to find her email address, as Ebay does not allow a seller to post email addresses. I've included a photo of her at the "Dangerous" venue in Mexico City.

You'll never find another item with such historical significance as this one, and one other that I llisted, which is also of historical significance.