I am offering

Country: Austria 1 krone ND (1919 old date 1916)

Quality: xf

What you see is what you get
You will receive the note on the photo

Shipping and handling:

Up to 20 grams   $ 3.00
20 - 50 grams $ 6.00
50 - 100 grams  $ 9.00
more than 100 grams  $ 12.00

If purchase total exceeds $ 50 the shipping costs are $ 12.00

After all auctions have ended invoices will be send with the right shipping prices

Please note: Due to the policy of Ebay it is not possible to buy more than 40 lots at this auction


We use a grading scale comparable with the PMG scale

Unc (Uncirculated | PMG 65 - 66)
There will be no fold, but the note may have one minor distractions as a result of minor handling.

Unc- (Unc minus | PMG 62 - 64)
There will be no fold, but some handling may be present

a Unc (almost Uncirculated | PMG 50 - 58)
Often a note with a single fold that crosses the design and handling

Xf (Extremely fine | PMG 40 - 45)
A note with two to three folds and handling

Vf/Xf (Very Fine to Extremely fine | PMG 30 - 35)
This note looks Extremely Fine, but it will have four to seven folds and handling

Vf (Very Fine | PMG 20 - 25)
A note with several folds and evidence of circulation
Some very small defects may be possibel. The paper may not be clean.

F/Vf (Fine to Very Fine | PMG 15)
This note may look like a Very Fine note, but upon closer examination it is found to have too many folds.
The paper can be soft. A center hole is possible or small splits.

F (Fine | PMG 12)
The evidence of circulation is considerable with rounded corners, margin splits and other issues.
Soft paper, often with centerhole.

Vg/F (Very Good to Fine | PMG 10)
The note has signs of heavy circulation. Some small pieces may be missing.
Soiling, stains and/or splits are common for this grade. The note is limp.
Often with annotations

Vg (Very good | PMG 8)
The note has signs of heavy circulation. Pieces may be missing.
Soiling, stains and/or splits are common for this grade. The note is limp.
Often with annotations