BioShock: Ultimate Rapture Edition - PlayStation 3 PS3 | TheGameWorld

Bioshock Ultimate Rapture Edition on PS3 features both Bioshock and Bioshock 2 complete with DLC so you can experience these epic-award winning games before experiencing an all new chapter in the Bioshock series in Bioshock Infinte!

You'll dive below the waves in Bioshock to seek salvation after a terrible plane crash but, it's not long after your arrival that things aren't as they seem and you must fight for survival. In Bioshock 2 you take the form of a hulking Big Daddy, but not just any Big Daddy, the original Prototype. You'll feel the power these feared beings have as you face new and more brutal foes, such as the Big Sister, in a story set 10 years after the original.

Designed By Jarilo Design