Selection of 12 Java Fern Plants

Enhance the look of your aquarium with Java Fern - a beautiful and easy to grow plant. With 12 plants included, this package offers a great value for those looking to add some greenery to their aquarium. This plant is easy to care for, and grows quickly, making it a great choice for beginners.

planted aquarium

Fish love his plant. In my tank, baby fish are born and shelter in the plants, they then grow and become adults with no assistance from me. The majority of my fish are descendants of fish placed in my tank over 20 years ago! In addition, java ferns improve the water quality by adding oxygen to the water, and removing fish waste and carbon dioxide from the water.

This offer consists of
That's 12 plants in all! Enough to turn your fish tank into an underwater forest.

This photo is an actual customer's tank. It was taken several months after planting this Java Fern selection:
order of 12 plants
In the photo, some ferns are attached to objects on the bottom, others are left to float in the water.

Here is typical 12 plant selection, showing larger and smaller plants:
order of 12 plants

About This Java Fern

This Java Fern is not harvested from the wild, nor is it grown in a large commercial facility. It comes right from a tank in my living room where I grow aquatic plants, fancy guppies, mollies, and platies. The Java Fern is so prolific that I need to thin it from time to time to keep the tank balanced. I only offer the plants once or twice a year; when they are gone, they are gone.

My tank has been disease free for years. So when you get your Java Fern from me, you can be confident it does not carry any disease or parasites that could harm your fish. Java Fern harvested from the wild, or grown on large facilities may carry a few unwanted hitch-hikers. In addition my tank contains no snails, so you will not import any unwanted snails into your tank.

In addition, I want you to be successful with your plants. After all, I raised them! If you have any questions or problems, contact me. I am always glad to help. If necessary, I can send you free replacements.

About Java Fern

Java Fern (scientific name Microsorum pteropus) is an easy to grow freshwater aquarium plant. It is not planted in gravel, but instead should be attached to a rock or piece of driftwood using string or a rubber band. The plant lives off nutrients it absorbs from the water, so the roots should not be buried.

You can also grow Java Fern by letting the clusters just float in the water. Eventually, the Java Fern may latch onto objects in the tank.

Java Ferns reproduce by growing cluster buds on the tips of mature leaves. The leaves then break off from the plants and the small clusters float to a new location and grow.

This plant grows under a wide range of conditions:
Java Fern is extremely adaptive, small plants grow into the leaf shape which best suits the tank it is in. For example in low light conditions these plants grow large broad leaves, so they can absorb more light. Under higher light conditions the leaves grow less broad. Since Java Fern absorbs nutrients directly from the water, plants in low nutrient water grow leaves with ruffles. The ruffles allow more surface area on the leaves to absorb nutrients from the water. In high nutrient water, the leaves will be flatter.

In my experience, small Java Fern plants transplant best, since they can easily grow into their new environment. That is why this selection contains 6 small plants. I also include 4 medium plants, and 2 large plants, so you can get the feel of a thickly planted tank right away. Basically the big plants are for you enjoyment now, and the smaller ones guarantee you will have lots of plants well into the future.

Customer Feedback
Here are some comments received from others who purchased my Java Fern:

From the above you can see sometimes I throw in a few extra plants as a gift. It all depends on what's in my tank.