This was a special issue car for Walther's Hobby Distribution in Milwaukee Wisconsin to Dewitt's Hobby Shop in Winter Park, Floirda for Model Trains. 
It is a kit with prepainted and lettered sides, metal doors, ends, underbody details, correctly cut scale wood for floor, roof, ends, roof walk.  I recommend Aleene's tacky glue for assembly.  If you make a mistake and the glue has dried it is easly loosened up again with the application of "unflavored" alochol without damaging or warping the wood.  When "painting" don't use water based paints on the wood parts as it will cause warp.  I'll be happy to answer questions if you have them.  Comes with trucks but I did not see couplers which gives you the choice of the Kadees which everyone uses today.
These cars are very rare to find anymore especially in mint condition.