Mighty  MACHINES is an exceptional series that delights the little ones with exciting images, characters that are as friendly as they are informative, dynamic music and, of course, humor. This unique series, which has seduced millions of viewers around the world, will captivate the imagination of young and old alike. Oh! Lala! We have a lot to see today. I'm Jacquot and I'm the one in charge of making sure the city stays clean. I'm not alone, oh no!, first there are the La Benne brothers, responsible for the garbage; then the very charming Madame Chiffon, the mechanical broom; the water tanker hosing down the streets; Alphonse the vacuum cleaner who is in charge of the maintenance of the sewers; Giraffe that brings the pruner to cut the high branches of the trees. But wait until you see my friend Little Gruntler smash a tree stump to smithereens. There are some things to do to keep our beautiful city clean, don't you folks!