A nice unissued example of an original

World War Two British Army

HQ XXX (30) Corps

Battle Blouse Shoulder Patch


Formed in the Western Desert in 1941

HQ XXX Corps saw action in the second

Battle of El Alamein in 1942,

thence in the Tunisian Campaign, before forming the left flank of the 

Invasion of Sicily in 1943.

Returning to the UK to prepare for D-Day,

it took part in the Normandy Landings on June 6th 1944

and subsequently fought the 

German Panzer-Lehr Division

at Villiers-Bocage.

Swiftly advancing across North West Europe,

HQ XXX Corps liberated Brussels & Antwerp

and then took on German forces at the Falaise Gap.

Involved in 

'Operation Market Garden',

the ill-fated Airborne drop on Arnhem,

HQ XXX Corp arrived too late to save the British 1st Airborne.

But advancing westwards it took part in the 

Battle of The Bulge

where it secured the vital bridges over the River Meuse,

thence, (as part of the First Canadian Army).

assaulted the Rhine and advanced through 

The Reichswald Forest in 'Operation Veritable'

a pincer movement encircling the defending Germans.

Finally advancing deep into Germany under the command of

 General Brian Horrocks

as the German forces crumbled before it,

HQ XXX Corps reached North-Rhine Westphalia

just as the war ended on May 7th 1945,

whereupon the Corps took over responsibilities

for Hannover Province.


Measuring approx 2.25" x 2.25" unfolded, and screen-printed, this

Divisional patch is in a mint-unissued condition and

 is part of a small group of 15 such British WW-II Army shoulder patches

collected by a veteran of the Normandy Campaign during

the later years of the Second World War.

+++ Please note this sale is just for the HQ XXX Corps Patch only! +++

Thanks for looking..!