Final Battle Pack Includes: Aang: Along his journey, Aang mastered waterbending, earthbending, and firebending, becoming a fully realized Avatar. With the Fire Nation on the brink of global domination, Aang faced Fire Lord Ozai in a life-or-death battle, emerging victorious. And thanks to the help of his friends, he ended the war and restored balance to the world. Lord Ozai: Ambitious, fierce, and ruthlessly controlling, Fire Lord Ozai prides himself on being an all-powerful ruler, and takes any measures necessary to accomplish his goals. Zuko: Obsessed with capturing the Avatar, Zuko ended up chasing Aang and his friends all over the world. Gradually, he absorbed the wisdom of his companion and paternal uncle, General Iroh. Zuko finally realized he could never win his father’s love, and that it was Zuko’s responsibility to help end the Fire Lord’s reign of terror. Azula: Cunning, cruel, and confident, Azula is a born leader who uses fear and intimidation to get people to fall in line. Her bold attitude masks the scars of a troubled upbringing, and her desire for power threatens to consume her altogether