Hello! I’m Bailee Bear.

I suppose we might as well get to the fact that I’m really old right off. So yes, I am old. Some would say I’m an antique, and although I don’t care for that word, I realize it is true. However, in spite of my age, all my joints work great!

As for other things you might like to know about me, I have mohair fur but some of it has been loved off. I also have felt pads that are green with hand stitching, a nose and mouth that were hand sewn, and I have cute ears. Speaking of ears, I’m so old my memory is kind of fuzzy, but I MIGHT be a Steiff Bear (maybe, but if I ever had an ear tag it is gone). Also, I definitely have a growler but it stopped growling a long time ago. Probably the most interesting thing about me is that I am so old that I have honest-to-goodness SHOE BUTTON EYES!

You may have already noticed that I had a bit of an issue with my right wrist just above my paw. That unfortunate injury happened a long, long time ago and the surgeon stitched the tape directly on to my paw pad! Can you imagine that !?!! But never mind, I’m used to it now and my paw works just fine.

So anyway, I am here hoping to find another home. The child who loved me so much that some of my mohair fur was loved off has gone to that “better place” and now I need somebody who will love me a lot, but gently so I won’t lose any more fur. If you qualify I will adopt you. 😊