This book published in 1764, is the second volume in a collection of works by Antoinette du Ligier de la Garde Deshoulières and her daughter, Antoinette-Thérèse Deshoulières, two prominent French poets of the 17th century. This volume likely compiles a range of their poetic works, showcasing the lyrical and intellectual prowess that made the Deshoulières family celebrated figures in the salons of Paris. Known for their refined and evocative pastoral poetry, which often explored themes of love, nature, and philosophical reflection, both mother and daughter contributed significantly to the literary culture of their time. The works in this tome reflect the elegant style and the emotional depth characteristic of their poetry, offering insights into the social and personal dimensions of their lives. This volume serves not only as a testament to their literary talent but also as a window into the broader cultural and intellectual currents of the French classical era.

Published: 1764

Pages: 300

Size: 6" x 3.4" x 0.7"


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