I came across this unique doll about 15 years ago at a house sale where the owner was moving and selling everything. In the backyard, among a pile of old frames, I found this doll hidden under them on the ground. Intrigued by its age and the unusual wooden legs, I decided to purchase it. At the time, the doll was quite musty and showed signs of mold. To preserve it, I placed it inside a glass dome, where it has remained for the past 15 years.

Recently, I've noticed that the musty smell has diminished significantly, likely due to the protection provided by the glass dome. The doll appears to be made of paper mache or a similar material and was hand-painted. Its wooden legs are movable and rock back and forth when touched. It's a rare find and appears to be from the 1800s.

Please take a look at the photos and draw your own conclusions. I am open to negotiations for anyone interested in purchasing. The doll will be shipped with the glass dome, which is also old and valuable.

If you have knowledge about antique dolls, I would love to hear your thoughts.

The doll is missing one arm.

The size of the doll is 9 inches tall and the glass dome is 11 inches tall.