This listing is for a working, vintage Rollei Rolleicord TLR camera.  The serial number is 899821, which according to the Rollei Club site ( appears to make it a IIc Model 4 manufactured between 1939 and 1949 though there is no F&H emblem on the hood.  It is the last model in which the Rolleicord came with the 1/300 shutter.

I am also including its "Ever-ready" case, a Rolleikin I 35mm film adapter in its original box, a Rolleilux shade and case (with nonworking light meter), a bayonet Rollei lens cap, and a bayonet Yashica UV filter.  There is also a spare hood mirror, which needs resilvering.

I received this camera and its accessories from my father in 1959 for my tenth birthday.  I have not used it in many years, but I put a roll of black and white and a roll of color 120 film through it.  It is working properly, but this is a vintage camera that shows cosmetic wear.  I have used the Rolleikin adapter in the past, but I did not trade it out and test it for this post.  All the pieces of the Rolleikin adapter (and some extras I've acquired) as well as instructions are included along with the original box.  As stated above, the Rollelux shade works fine as a shade, but the attached light meter no longer works.  The "Ever-ready" case is functional, but it has been repaired over the years and could use some more work.

Specifics (visual inspection and Rollei Club site):