'The only trouble I have with Dr Gillian Ross' CDs is getting up after them! Dr Ross has the perfect voice for deep relaxation. It is quiet, soft, caring, gentle and supportive. The words themselves are surrounded with lots of space, which also really works as you enter the relaxation domain, when you are there, and then coming out of it.' – Catherine Mercer, Editor, The Art of Healing.

Using breath awareness techniques from the yogic tradition, visualisations of light, and with the help of soothing music, Gillian gently guides you into a deep connection with your body. You begin to experience yourself as a harmonious whole. This is a profoundly healing state of being.

Practised on a regular basis, deep relaxation of this kind is extremely therapeutic. As well as alleviating mental and physical tensions, it helps you to sleep better and worry less, and nurtures a general sense of well-being. Above all, it brings you more in touch with who you truly are.