Holy Basil 745mg

Reduces Stress And .
Holy Basil Help Weight Loss.
Holy Basil Help Lower Blood Sugar.
Holy Basil Boosts Immunity.
Helps Prevent Cardiovascular Problems.
Holy Basil Help Protects Liver.
Holy Basil May Increases Testosterone.
Holy Basil Fight Candida.
Holy Basil Fight Parasite Problems.
Good For Skin And Hair.
3 Bottles, 180 Capsules
Made In USA

Holy Basil Is Herbaceous Branched Plant:

Holy basil is an erect and herbaceous branched plant, 1 meter high or less. Stems and younger parts are covered with spreading hairs. Leaves are oblong-ovate and 2 to 4.5 centimeters long, with pointed or blunt tips, and somewhat toothed margins. Flowers are pink or purplish, about 7 millimeters long, borne on racemes 5 to 14 centimeters long. Calyx at the time of lowering is about 3 millimeters long and somewhat larger in fruit, the two lower teeth are long-awned, the upper one broadly-oblong, and the lateral ones very broad. Corolla is very small, scarcely longer than the calyx. Nutlets are somewhat rounded or broadly oblong, slightly compressed and nearly smooth.

Holy Basil for Weight Loss:

Holy basil is recommended for weight loss because of those stress-reducing properties. When the body is under stress, it goes into fight-or-flight mode and sends out the signal to hold onto all energy sources, storing the food you take in as fat to protect the body. This fat typically collects around the abdomen, putting pressure on the internal organs and taxing them. Carrying too much weight on the abdomen is particularly dangerous for the heart and can increase risk for heart problems. Because of it's impact on stress as well as weight management, Dr. Natasha Turner, author of The Supercharged Hormone Diet, also recommends taking a holy basil supplement daily for at least a month to help reduce cortisol and shed fat. Dr. Turner recommended the supplement especially for individuals who carry extra weight in the mid section.

Holy Basil Promote A Sense Of Purity And Lightness:

Holy basil, which means “the incomparable one” in Hindi and is often referred to as holy basil, is a potent herb that has been used for over 5000 years in India to help health problems. According to Ayurvedic medicine, regular consumption of the Holy basil herb can also promote a sense of purity and lightness in the body, and is said to cleanse the respiratory tract of toxins and relieve bloating and digestive gas. This plant is so sacred that often Hindu prayer beads are even made from the wood of the Holy basil plant!

Holy Basil is Good for the Skin:

Used topically, some of the most powerful holy basil benefits are its antimicrobial properties. “Overall, holy basil is actually great for your skin, and when combined with other ingredients, like lemon juice, or mustard oil, it can help most skin irritations. Study from Thailand, where holy basil was used to ward off bacteria that cause acne. “Essentially testing its antimicrobial capability, they discovered that a 3 percent concentration of holy basil oil is most effective against bacteria that cause acne.

Holy Basil An Ancient Herbal Remedy for Stress Relief:

By examining the individual components of holy basil, scientists are now beginning to understand exactly what makes this herb so incomparable. It contains hundreds of phytochemicals plant compounds with health-promoting properties. These compounds work together to provide antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective properties. Holy basil is a potent antioxidant with anti-aging properties. One study found that holy basil extract actively seeks out and destroys damaging free radicals to protect cells in the heart, liver and brain. The head of this research, Dr. Vaibhav Shinde, concluded that, “The study validates the traditional use of herb as a youth-promoting substance in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. It also helps describe how the herb acts at a cellular level.”

Spiritual Effects of Holy Basil and Making You Live Longer:

Chinese Medicine classifies Holy Basil in a similar regard to Ayurveda, as a rare and highly sought after “Shen tonic,” loosely translating to an herb that nourishes the spirit, which should come as no surprise given it’s supposed divine origins. And as effective as it is for helping common health ailments, perhaps Tulsi’s greatest benefit is the restorative effect it has on the nervous system. Tulsi is a powerful corticosteroid modulator, meaning that it has the unique ability to reduce circulating stress hormones in the body, making it an ideal herb for today’s hyper-stimulated digital culture. In fact, the fantastically pleasurable ritual of sipping on Holy Basil tea can pack a narcotic-like punch as chronic stress patterns are interrupted and a warm feeling of peace and serenity wash over the body. But don’t worry—Tulsi is not physically addictive and, even if it were, it would only have the pleasant side effect of making you live longer. After all, Tulsi is widely considered to be a prophylactic in the various cultures in which its use spread in the ancient world, simply meaning that it’s a known life-extending substance.

Tonic Effect of Basil Leaf:

Holy basil belongs to a plant group called adaptogens. Adaptogens are closely related to what are called phytomedicines – natural product remedies, long used to promote health, healing, and well-being. It is suggested that adaptogens help relieve stress and tension of daily life. Adaptogenic herbs are known for various actions. This includes: anti-inflammatory, cardio-protective, immune system supportive, nerve revitalizing functions, and improved physical and mental stamina. In many studies, adaptogens seem to protect against the effects of radiation. 

Holy Basil Producing A Biological State Of Balance:

What actually defines adaptogenic herbs is their non-specific response in adjusting to stress and producing a biological state of balance. They also have the exclusive ability to change from stimulating to calming effects, based on the body’s needs. They not only correct bodily disturbances, they also boost our body’s resistance against multiple – physical, chemical, or environmental – stressors. And, the big advantage is – they are safe, and have no short or long-term side-effects. Holy basil is a prominent member of the adaptogen family.

Antioxidant Tea - Holy Basil 745mg - Holy Basil Adrenal Capsules 3B

Supplement Facts:

Holy Basil Extract  745 mg
(Holy Basil Extract) (Leaves) (Ocimum tenuiorum) (Standardized to min. 2% Ursolic Acid)

Other Ingredients: Veggie (capsule), Magnesium, Carbonate, Maltodextrin, Silica, Rice Flour and Magnesium Stearate (vegetable source).

SUGGESTED USE: As a dietary supplement, take 1 veggie capsule 1 to 2 times daily, preferably with food. 

Serving Size: 1 Veggie Capsule, Serving Per Container: 60


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.