NUDE 1998 Ashton Drake Galleries Mel Odom GENE MARSHALL doll in box, with stand, COA and Share the Dream booklet. She is wearing nylons/hose. NO OTHER CLOTHING SHOES ACCESSORIES. NUDE doll!

Box has writing on the end, see pics. Box will be wrapped in paper for shipping. Adding another box to ship the box significantly adds to the shipping costs.

Doll is 15 1/2 - 16 inches tall. Blonde. Blue eyes. Marked on back: T or 7? 08937. Numbers match the ones on the COA. Blonde hair is in original set minus the original scarf that was with her ensemble. NUDE DOLL.

Look for Farmhouse Favorites on Facebook for sneak peeks of listings, bonus gift info, happy customer photos, and other free, fun Dolly stuff!

What does FLAT MEASURED mean? We measure the garment laying flat so we are only measuring the front width. For the entire measurement of the garment around the waist, around the bodice, etc, double the measurement listed. Measure around your doll with a flexible tape measure for the best results. For example, a 4 inch flat measured waist is approximately 8 inches around the entire garment, so a doll of no bigger than an 8 inch waist could wear that item.

Please refer to my measurements in the AUCTION DESCRIPTION as the Ebay BOT is filling in random measurements in the item detail section, especially in the width slot for some reason. Literally, it's pulling random numbers from my descriptions and sticking them wherever it feels they should be. So odd! lol.

All props, furniture, backgrounds, doll modeling item for auction unless specified as part of the auction/or the auction item, mannequins, doll stands, etc are NOT for sale.


We ship calculated USPS shipping. USPS rules state if the mailer is over 1/4 of an inch thick it is considered a package. Package dimensions, package weight, and the zone of the shipping destination are all figured into the postage pricing system. The USPS base package price starts at $5.00 (1-4 oz). We have a $2 handling fee per auction lot.

We combine shipping on orders.
Combined shipping involves us repacking your items into a single mailer, weighing and measuring the package, entering the shipping info into the Ebay calculated shipping system, and then adding our $2 handling fee per auction lot onto the shipping total. Your savings comes from the reduction in weight of the package due to shipping 1 mailer opposed to X mailers.

The easiest way to combine shipping is to put everything in the cart, buy it now, and we will REFUND the overage in shipping once we pack/calculate your purchases.

OR you can buy it now on each individual auction lot and we will combine all your orders (within 2 days if you tell us you're still shopping) and REFUND the shipping overage.

OR you can put everything in the cart and REQUEST an INVOICE (some customers report the phone App does not have this feature)...but doing this allows someone else to buy the item while you are waiting for the invoice.

We pull items from inventory, pack, and ship VERY quickly, so chances are if you purchase something one day, it will be mailed the next (with Sunday as an obvious exception).

You can go to the USPS calculator online, and take our zip code from the info in the shipping tab, your zip code, select package (by dimension and weight), put in the weight of the package (provided below), the site will take you to a new screen, and then scroll down to USPS Ground Advantage and the shipping price posted there will equal the price posted in this Ebay auction less our $2 handling fee per auction lot. The Ebay calculated shipping system is integrated with the USPS and the prices are the USPS prices. I do not control the USPS prices and the USPS does not take into consideration if the item is less, equal, or more than the shipping price. The purchase price has nothing to do with the price of the USPS shipping.

We include a seasonally-based bonus gift with every purchase to bring a smile to your face! You can find out more about bonus gifts on our Facebook page.

This package weighs 2 lbs.