Whitetail Aging Plaque by wildlife biologist Rodney G Marburger of Wildlife Enterprises in Kerville Tx. Original copy right 1978. This plaque is in excellent condition.

If you have serious management interest in the progress or decline of your deer herd, the Whitetail Aging Plaque is an invaluable management tool. The plaque measures 11 inches wide by 21 inches tall and is handmade of quality pine sealed with special lamentation.

The only way to properly age deer is by the wear on their teeth. The Whitetail Aging Plaque shows you everything you need to know about these wear patterns and will help you make intelligent decisions about your deer management program.

The Whitetail Aging Plaque is a vital deer management tool. Jawbones and teeth reproductions represent deer from ages 1 1/2 to 8 1/2 years old.