Aeroband Pocket Drum 2
                                 Complete Air Drumming Set
                                          Wonderful Fun

This is such a great item.  If you can't afford a full size kit, if you are limited by the noise police or whether you just want to practice anywhere .... this is for you.

Easy to set up from the online manual this kit is brand new and has only been opened to check the contents.  You get a pair of drumsticks, slightly thicker than convention sticks, (but with a good feel and lightweight so easy to use), two foot pads for bass drum and high hat, plus cables to link to output.  I am a drummer but tried these at a friend's house and was amazed at how quickly you get used to an 'invisible' drum kit with great sound and as you hit the virtual drums there is a sensation of physical bounce back.  Given below is a link to a YouTube that demonstrates this item more fully than I can explain!