This belonged to my Grandmother, who emigrated to the US from France to marry my grandfather in 1919.  My grandfather fought in WWI, and while he was stationed in France, he met my grandmother in the glove shop where she worked. They fell in love and as soon as the war ended, in November of 1918, he asked her to marry him and move to the US. Obviously, she said yes!

This change purse is about 5" x 3.5"

It is beaded with tiny black beads, and has a design made with clear long tubular beads.  It has a snap closure and a loop on the back.

It does not say "made in France" in it, because it was not imported... SHE was! And she brought it with her.

It is over 100 years old!

It had an opening in the seam of the outer layer, the one that is beaded, but I mended it. The inner lining seam was fully intact, and there was no opening from inside the purse to the outside. I took pics just so that any prospective buyer knows that it has been mended. Last pic shows the finished work.

If you are a history buff, also check out my listing of gloves from the same period!