!!! Killed in action !!!

Heartbreaking lines - Presentiment of death

ORIGINAL letter german soldier Josef Hirtreiter who was with the Pioneer Battalion 223 of the 332 Infantry Division

Josef Hirtreiter was killed in action in Kharkov on September 9, 1943

When he wrote that offered letter, he participated in the battle of Kharkov

You will receive the following items:

1. Letter, written by Josef Hirtreiter
On the letter is a Field postmark from January 26, 1943.

Josef Hirtreiter wrote:

Feldpost toMrs Paula Hirtreiter in Dennheritz 37, near Merane in Saxony
Sender: Soldser Joseph Hirtreiter, Feldpost # 19175

Russia january 24, 1943
My dearest love, dear Paula and children!
In the fateful days of our life's struggle I think of you and you my loved ones, far away from home, full of longing

Deeply moved, I reach for my pen to write you a few lines. I am sorry to tell you the following, but I don't want to cause you too much worry. As I wrote to you in my last letter, the Russians attacked our front on January 11th and the heavy fighting is still going on.

My battalion has also been deployed here and is now facing the enemy, who are putting up a fierce resistance and are doing everything they can to break through our position

For four fateful days my company has been facing heavy fighting. All hell is breaking loose and it's terrible. You can't imagine, because it's impossible to describe what we have to endure and go through here. 

Dear Paula, so far I've been lucky enough to be at the back of the troops and I'm not quite at the front yet. My dear comrades from my company who are coming back from the front are totally exhausted or wounded. When we ask them how our comrades at the front are doing, they tell us who has fallen. My dear, I can tell you that you lose heart when you've been with your comrades and know them well and then find out that they've fallen.

It is also terrible and cruel the way they have to give up their lives. Only God in heaven knows how the whole thing will end. Dear Paula, if fate should catch me too and take my life, then it will certainly be God's will and I will wave my faithful hand to you for the last time and say goodbye and farewell to my beloved Paula. I no longer have any hope of seeing you again. That I am still alive is a great happiness

Dear Paula, I sincerely apologize for everything. We are now very cold, -35 degrees. Paula, farewell.

2. Copy of a transcript by a First Lieutenant of the Pioneer Battalion 223

The text reads:

Bormann, First Lieutenant and Chief of the Company, Feldpost # 19175
15. October 1943

Dear Mrs Hirtreiter !
I have the heavy duty to inform you now that your husband died a hero's death for the Führer and the people on September 4, 1943.

Please accept from the bottom of my heart my condolences on this heavy loss. I can give you the comforting assurance that it was a quick death. A serious wound to the head tore him from our ranks. He had been wounded before, but only slightly, and was fatally wounded while bandaging.

I first received this report from the comrade who had bandaged your husband and was wounded himself. So it happened that your husband was initially considered missing. An attempt to rescue him was no longer possible due to the heavy shelling and so it had to be abandoned with a heavy heart.

We wish you, Mrs. Hirtreiter, that you remain brave and strong despite this heavy loss. Your husband will also remain in good memory with us. Be assured of our constant helpfulness and accept all good wishes for you and your children, your devoted E. Bormann

The correctness and completeness of the above transcription of the original is attested in Dennheritz on November 1, 1943. Signed Vogel, Mayor

!!! I combine shipping !!!