Games Workshop 30k Horus Heresy Painted World Eaters Legion Army Infantry  x72

painted World Eater infantry Army consists of the following

10x  Tactical Support squad with plasma rifles (3 MK3 and 7 MK4)
6x  Heavy Bolter squad (5 MK4 and 1 MK3)
20x  Tactical Squad With Combat blade (MK4)
10x  Tactical Squad Basic (MK3)
10x  Tactical Squad basic (MK4)
1x Praetor in Terminator armour with Combi Melta

also there is another painted

7x MK3 Basic tactical
6x MK4 Basic Tactical
2x Mk4 Tactical with Combat blades

all painted to a good table top standard.

99p start no reserve

UK Postage only.