Possibly the UK's biggest killer dinosaur. It once roamed the areas of Southern England around 120 million years ago, preying on the herds of Iguanodon and also, I would imagine, the numerous long necked sauropods that were around at this time. It is related to the T-Rex busting Carcharodontosaurus.



Orang Pendek

The Indonesian LittleFoot

Something is in the woods....


Orang Pendek (translates as 'short person') and is the local name given to a mythical ape like creature that inhabits the forests and highlands of the island of Sumatra. Other names include Hantu pendek (short ghost).

For over a hundred years now this creature has been spotted by forest dwellers, local villagers, Dutch Colonists and more recently by Western Scientists and explorers. It is understood to be some type of ground dwelling ape covered in short grey to brown hair and stands up to around 1 to 1.4 metres tall. Those who have witnessed it have described it's broad shoulders, huge chest and abdomen and strong arms and powerful enough to uproot trees, yet unusually smaller, thinner legs. Some have said it can have a long mane (head hair), but most recorded accounts do not.


I loved reading this book. It would be an adventure that I would loved to have gone on... a totally absorbing quest to find the upright primates of the far east. 

This copy is used, but still in an acceptable condition and certainly one to be read again. This is a soft cover version.

** Please note that the sales of these items is supplementing my research into the existence of the British Bigfoot. These all come from my personal collection.