Wormcity Wormery - ENGLISH Made Stacking Wormery - Worm Composting


We are really pleased to introduce you to our very own custom made wormery. 

This fabulous worm composter has been designed, created and manufactured to our specifications here in our home county of Hampshire, England.

We think there are lots of reasons why you should buy this wormery over other similar models.
Here are just a few of them, so you can decide for yourself.


1) The first reason is that it is made locally, we believe that its important for a product that has been created to help the environment should be just that - environmentally friendly. We didn't want to import from China or Australia like our competitors - so - we made our own. We are proud that this is the only plastic stacking wormery specifically designed for worm composting - that is manufactured in England.


2) Size (Volume). If you are going to buy a wormery, you want one that will fit your needs - and be able to cope with normal family wastage.

Unfortunately many similar looking imported Chinese worm composters that are on the market which are sold as ' family size ' aren't, unless you buy extra trays. wormery
The image on the right shows how small they actually are

We have independently measured some of our competitors wormeries and know that the common 3, 4 or 5 tray wormery that are sold measure just 48, 64 and 80 litres respectively.

This equates to just under 16 litres volume per tray.

The Wormcity wormery however is 25.2 litres per tray, so a 3 tray wormery is 75 litres, and the 4 tray is 100 litres. Substantially bigger

Doing the maths you would need a competitors 5 tray wormery to equal the size of our 3 tray model. This does not mean that the Wormcity takes up more room, it just means that the trays are deeper.


3) The Wormcity Wormery trays rest on each other (as do ALL our wormeries) this is very important, as your worms need to be able to access the upper levels.

As the worms eat the waste, its loses volume (think of a cabbage, when composted becomes the size of a sprout !) therefore if the trays don't sink downwards and stay in contact with the waste below a space is formed which means that the worms have problems reaching the higher levels. Worms CAN'T jump.guarentee


4) A stable base. The Wormcity Wormery is sat on a square base, this is very strong and secure. No legs to fall off, overturn or splay out.


5) Worm steps in the sump. Although composting worms live on the surface, some naughty ones seem to want to live in the sump. Therefore our sump has steps upwards so that the worms can keep out of the liquid and can get back up into the trays. The steps also allow the worms from sliding backwards into the sump.


6) Windproof lid. The Wormcity Wormery lid sits in place, if you are in a windy or exposed place you can easily tie the lid on through the holes provided..


7) This wormery been made from recycled English plastic. We are so sure of its quality that we give a 5 year warranty.


8) Worms - These are the most important part of a wormery, the more you start off with, the more they will eat and the better your success rate - We don't just send plenty of worms - we send 500g of them - dependant on size and age this is on average about 400 - 600 worms. It is false economy to buy a wormery with less.

Worms breed pretty quickly - and can double their population every 3 / 4 months - if you only start off with 150 worms, then in 6 months you will still only have 600, start off with 500 - you will could end up with 2000 !


Each Wormcity wormery contains the following


  • 3 / 4 / 5 Composting Trays
  • 1 x Sump (for Liquid Collection)
  • 1 x Sump Tray
  • 1 x Base Unit Stand (upturned composting tray)
  • 1 x Easy Turn Tap and Back Nut
  • 1 x Lid
  • 2 x Screws and Wing nuts
  • Instructions
  • Colour = Green / Black
  • 1 x Coir Block (Makes 9 Litres of Initial Bedding)
  • 500g Mixed Composting Worms
  • 200g Worm Food


Width / Length / Depth Per Tray: 43cm x 43cm x 17cm (25.2 Litres)
Approx Height When Full: 75cm (3-Tray), 85cm (4-Tray), 95cm (5-Tray)


How does The Wormcity Wormery work?

Composting worms differ from normal garden worms as they live near the surface and eat the decaying vegetation from gardens and forests. You will find them in manure heaps, compost bins and sometimes under bricks, stones and logs.

The Wormcity Wormery has been specially designed to take advantage of their lifestyle.

Basically our wormery contains a series of composting trays, each one has small holes in the base. You start off with one tray that contains the worms and your kitchen waste. When this is full, you simply add the next tray on top and start filling it up and continue with the other trays.

The worms will eat the kitchen waste in the bottom level, and because they are surface dwellers, they will move upwards through the holes into the tray above, and start to consume the kitchen waste in this level - then move upwards again, leaving behind vermicompost (worm poo) which you can use on your garden.

When they eventually reach the top tray, the food in the lowest tray should be completely composted and can be used in the garden, and the empty tray replaced back on the top.

It sounds complicated, but its really very easy and only takes a few minutes each week.

Wormeries make fabulous unusual presents. Kids love them as they are great fun and educational so why not buy one for the keen gardener - or just for yourself to try and reduce some of the waste going to landfill.


What Can Worms Eat?

    Vegetable Peelings
  • Onions
  • Citrus Fruits
  • Fruit / Peel
    Coffee / Tea Bags
  • Pizza Rice Pasta
  • Flowers
  • Cereals
  • Crushed Egg Shells
    Cakes/ Biscuits
  • Cardboard / Paper
  • Pet Human Hair
  • Hoover Contents
  • Baked Beans
  • Pet Faeces (Rabbit/Gerbil)
  • Pet Faeces(Dog/Cat)
  • Leaves



What Can't Worms Eat?

  • Bones
  • Garlic
  • Spicy Foods (Curry etc)
  • Eggs
  • Dairy Products
  • Poisonous Plants
  • Insecticides / Pesticides
  • Salt
  • Oils
  • Non- Biodegradable's
  • Solvents Soaps/Cosmetics
  • Grass / Lawn Cutting
  • Paints
  • Chicken Manure
  • Weeds


A Few More Images Of Our Fabulous Wormery

worm composting
wormery roof wormery handle wormery startup pack
wormery tie on composting trays

wormcity logo
wormcity worms


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The Wormcity Wormery
Designed, Manufactured And Proudly Dispatched
From Hampshire  South Coast Of England - UK