Kacip Fatimah With Manjakani Wanis Instant Premix Coffee Female Libido Booster

Gold Choice Instant Coffee

Wanis Kacip Fatimah With Manjakani 


Our mildest blend features a smooth and flavourous coffee specially made from for today's women. It also includes premium quality creamer and contains water soluble Kacip Fatimah and Manjakani extract.

The Kacip Fatimah and MAnjakani drinks formulated by Gold Choiceimproved blend of coffee with kacip fatimah and manjakani with is the most popular and potent ingredients in traditional herbal preparation for women.
Enjoy a richer aroma of coffee and revive yourself to a fresh, energetic and active day

Kacip Fatimah
Kacip Fatimah or its scientific name Labisia Pumilia and Pathoina is a common herb found in the Malaysia Rainforest. The Kacip Fatimah name which is associated with a well known classical lady gives its hidden characteristics and functions, specifically in women's health and spirit. It contains elements of antioxidant and phytoestrogen, where these two elements are known to provide goodness to both men and women in the prevention of the appearance of precancerous cells, in stabilizing tissues that need hormone estrogen in strengthening the bone structure through absorption of bone elements and in delaying aging process.

Kacip Fatimah is commonly eaten as appetizers by the Malay women folks and rarely eaten by men or children. The water decoction of Kacip Fatimah is usually consumed by women who is afflicted with leucorrhea (intense vaginal discharge) as well as to facilitate the delivery process and for managing diarrhea (loose motion) and flatulency. 


"OAK GALLS” Manjakani

(Manjakani in the Malay language) come from oak trees indigenous to Asia Minor and Persia. They are produced when the leaves of the oak tree (scientifically known as Quercus infectoria) are penetrated by stinging wasps. The spontaneous chemical reaction caused by the penetration stimulates the leaves to produce a roundish hard ball called an oak gall. Rich in tannins, vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, tannic and gallic acids, fibre, protein and carbohydrates, oak galls possess a unique kind of astringency which acts to restore health, tone and vigor in the vagina. 

Restore the elasticity of female sex organs (tighten Miss V muscles) from childbirth and aging, and be tighter than ever! And you can do it naturally, without surgery or drugs! 


Elasticity properties in manjakani in treating muscles, therefore the habit of consume manjakani can help improve the BREAST ELASTICITY


Eliminate itching, vaginal dischage and unpleasant odor due to its astringent properties, manjakani helps in eliminating bacterial, yeast and fungal infection, the main causes of itching and unpleasant odors in the intimate area.