NEW!!!  Orgone / Tachyon energy   Generator Enhancer Transmuter 

This is a New Orgone/tachyon Dome that I have created.  It is larger than the TB sized domes I have listed on ebay and is smaller than the large 6” dome listed.   It is almost 4”(inches In diameter) Or all most 100mm in diameter and about 1.5”inches high or 40mm.   I made this as a experiment to see if there would be a interest in this size of orgone/tachyon device.   Obviously it will transmute more vibrations and cover a larger area than the smaller dome and less than the large domes that I have for sell, it is the middle man if you will perfect for   very large houses and yards + more.   This particular one has a RED opaque  top, 2nd layer is clear, and 3r layer is opaque yellow .    This Dome is awesome to  be around, the pure energy I feel from it almost brings a tear to my eye, just a amazing energy .

     Made with  50%inorganic and 50%organic materials which Produces a perfect size orgone /Aether/tachyon generator/ accumulator device .

  All my orgone devices are made with a 50/50 ratio of non-organic and organic materials.   Metal dust, metal particles and metal shavings make up the non-organic portion.  Resin, crystals, quartz crystals and crystal powders make up the organic portion.    Anything less than these ratios of materials is not a worthwhile orgone device and shouldn’t be named or called one.  And I see a lot of devices out there with very little metal in them which is one of the two most important main components of these types of devices, even more so then the crystals.    Wilhelm Reich the father of all this orgone stuff used a mixture of equal parts metals(non organic) to organic material for all his orgone accumulating devices otherwise the devices don’t do anything or work at all. So yeah I just wanted that to be clear about these devices that are being named and sold as orgone accumulators or generators.    This is just your way of assurance and recognizing a properer and correctly constructed orgone device.

- inorganic >> copper silver Aluminum brass nickel iron and steel pieces/particles.
- organic >> resin
-  One coiled
Tibetan quartz and quartz crystal powder

-There are many many names given to the primal substance in which all things come from and manifest.  All the names are just a representation and conceptualization of different peoples attempt to understand and help others to conceptualize this basic all pervading substance.  Yes this substance can be concentrated in a local area through various means and orgone devices.  Orgone devices are just one of the many ways that concentrate this  substance where ever you wish it to be more prevalent.  It is a great and easy way to do so!  So here are some of the almost unlimited names for this substance and some of the people who came to discover this substance and put their own interpretations on it.  In actuality it is interpretation-less because it is infinite, boundless and anything and everything can be created from it and is created from it.

* AETHER, ORGONE, THE FORCE(AS IN STAR WARS), CHI, KI, TACHYON, I'CHOR, MIND, and so on, the list of words goes on and on that describe the same primal most basic force.  (THE ONE THAT IS  ALL)

- People that have come to the same end and conclusion in there life studies that have realized this substance or force(THE ONE THAT IS ALL)are endless to. naming a few-

* John Worell Keely, Nikola Tesla, Wilhelm Reich, Walter Russell, Viktor Schauberger, Even Jesus, Buddha, and the countless other saints avatars, masters and people. But few have come to fully master and understand it. 

A orgone device or whatever name you want to use in order to describe the devices that uses, accumulates and generates this most basic creative force are a good way to get started and acquainted in your journey, studies and mastery of the force!

Orgone energy is the primordial life energy: the fundamental creative life force long known to people in touch with nature, speculated about by natural scientists as the universal ether, employed by acupuncturists, and finally objectified and scientifically demonstrated by the work of the late Wilhelm Reich, M.D.

Through years of experimentation and observation, Reich identified many of the basic properties of the orgone energy: it fills all space and is everywhere; it is mass free and is the primordial, cosmic energy; it penetrates matter, it pulsates and is observable and measurable; it has a strong affinity and attraction to/by water; it is accumulated naturally in the organism by foods, water, breathing, and through the skin. Orgone energy is negatively entropic - highly charged orgone systems attract lesser-charged energy systems.

Reich discovered a way to collect or "accumulate" orgone energy from the atmosphere. He developed a special enclosure developed from his experiments with the Faraday cage, called an accumulator, that is made from layers of organic materials which absorb and hold the energy, and inorganic materials which attract and then rapidly repel orgone energy. He found that the inside of a metal-lined enclosure that is layered with organic and inorganic materials contained a higher concentration of orgone energy which was detectable by a higher temperature reading inside the accumulator.

When a person with their own energy field comes into contact with an accumulating device, the two fields make contact and excite each other, creating a stronger excitation called "lumination." Reich found this strong orgonotic charge to be very beneficial to living systems. It may help to strengthen the immune system, improve circulation, and raise one's energy level. Investigations have shown that the orgone energy accumulator stimulates the body's parasympathetic nervous system, inducing relaxation and a feeling of expansion. Orgone radiation is not foreign to the body. The orgone in the atmosphere is just another form of the same orgone energy within your body. The accumulator concentrates that energy and helps the body to help itself.

Meet The Maker

This is the most important ingredient in creating and making these devices or tools.

Anyone can through together a mixture of metals and organic res. And create orgonite, but what matters most is whom the creator is and what frequency level or vibrational level that creator is resonating at. You obviously don’t want an object that is made or created by a low vibrating being…… (Remember the objects and things that are in our lives is a direct reflection of our own vibration level) Moving on: in order to understand a little more you have to acquire some knowledge of the chakra system and how it works.

 Here is a Link to the First 13 Chakra’s in the human energy system and their colors.  It will explain the different frequencies, resonances ,vibrational levels and qualities associated  with the human consciousness. It has a really good description of the first Seven chakra's but it will blow your mind when you learn about 8 through 13 Chakra’s. Enjoy!

Learn a Few Facts about the Creator


 Current personal big life goals:

Buying pieces of land throughout the Americas and creating fruit forest out of them one by one slowly but surely and allowing/giving the yields to locals or who needs for FREE!!!!

  Some Facts:

- I water fast in-between 1/3 and ½ the year, that’s around 120 and 180 days a


- When I do eat it is raw fruits and vegetables

-  I love to stare directly at the sun, moon. stars for long periods of time

- I go for walks across the mountain ridges, valleys and hills most every day. (Nature is  my favorite place to be. Precisely on top of a mountain in peace and quiet, but you know I love all) I’m lucky enough to be able to walk up a mountain whenever I want.

- I love fire and water. Just sitting next to a fire, or bathing in a body of water

    such as pure lakes, creaks, and streams.

- Birth date Dec. 30


 - I don’t work in a normal everyday job per-say, and probably never will just

       because I choose not to.

- I grow my own garden of fruits and veggies.

- I don’t drive any kind of vehicle just because I choose not to. (My form of

       locomotion is my legs most of the time)

- I love mastering this body I am in this time around. (To state a few examples of

what I mean: for instance, training the body/mind to live without food and at the

same time being able to eat food whenever you want. Another example: training

the mind to not be attached to anything and at the same time loving everything

Thought creates So Love Life !