- Pet Finger Toothbrush -

Finger Toothbrushes are ideal for pets that are a little more sensitive, as they are soft and very easy to use. 
Gentle silicone bristles provide improved massaging action of the gum line, whilst effectively cleaning their teeth.
Regular use helps to reduce plaque, bacteria and tartar buildup.
Great to use to brush any dog, puppy, cat or kitten's teeth and massage their gums. One size will adjust to fit most sizes of finger.
Did you know that dental problems are the most commonly diagnosed health condition in all dogs over the age of three? Because your dog's teeth and gums are as vulnerable to disease as ours, make sure you give the same care and attention to your dog's dental health as you do to your own.
Poor dental care doesn’t just affect their mouths; the bacteria generated by dental disease could eventually enter your dog’s bloodstream and potentially damage their heart, liver or kidneys.

Ideally you should aim to brush your dog’s teeth every day, as you do your own, but if that’s not possible, try to give your dog's teeth and gums some attention at least 3-4 times a week.

If you’re not sure how to clean your dog’s teeth the best bit of advice would be to begin as early as possible. Dental care should begin while your puppy still has their baby teeth (they’ll lose these at about 4-6 months old). If you can get your puppy used to you looking in their mouth and brushing their teeth when they’re young, it will make it so much easier later in life.

 Don’t worry about toothpaste at first, it’s more important to get them used to the sensation of the brush. Soak the toothbrush in warm water, focus on reaching under the gum line where their teeth and gums meet. Stroke up and down gently, in even movements, with only a little pressure.

Only when your dog is completely happy with their special dog toothbrush should you start to introduce enzymatic canine toothpaste. These are specially formulated for dogs, with flavours that include beef and chicken – yum! Just as you wouldn’t want to use dog toothpaste, your dog should never use human toothpaste either.

Size of each tooth/gum brush : 5.5cm x 2.3cm (Approx)

Choose between 1, 2 or 3 brushes(with or without 1x Storage / Travel Case in Pink, Blue, Lime or Clear)