Hello Everyone,

Let me introduce myself. I have been a practicing Natural Health practitioner in beautiful Central Wisconsin for 15 years and am a herbalist at heart. Stemming from my love of herbs I have decided to start my own line of herb products, East Fork Apothecary. I will provide high quality, sustainably wildcrafted tinctures, ointments and oils prepared from fresh plant material harvested from our beautiful farm and the surrounding area. Please enjoy the products as they help move you towards a natural way of healing and health. 

My best for your health.

Susan Florence  MH, ND

If you find the product helpful and wonder about other tinctures, vinegar's, oils, ointments or other products, please type in the search bar; east fork apothecary products, and some of my line will come up, over 100 products available. Thanks.

Wild Lettuce (Lactuca canadensis) is a rather fierce looking plant you see in ditches and fields in my area. Many folks mistake it for some type of thistle, but it is actually a member of the daisy family. Even though it has been referred to as Opium Lettuce, it does not contain opiates, but does contain some opiod like compounds. Wild lettuce has been used in the past as a sedative and pain reliever with much success. I've also found it very effective for kids that deal with ADHD, but Catnip would me my first choice for this particular issue. The latex or milky sap you see when you break a leaf or stem is thought to be the medicine in the plant. Of course, if we we're able to use just the latex to make medicine, to me, it would no longer be a medicinal but closer to a drug. Having said that, I think it is worth the effort to process the plant tincture in such a way as to give us the most access to the latex without compromising what the plant gives us as a whole. So due to the multi-harvest and multi-step process to prepare this plant the price reflects the effort and I hope you feel it was worth it. This is an alcohol tincture.

Dosages vary depending on use. If you are using for pain or acute anxiety, start with one dropperful (one squeeze of the bulb) and see how you feel after 20-30 minutes, and adjust your dose from there.   This plant is not meant to be taken for extended periods of time.

Returns: I am not accepting returns because of the resale safety issue of the products. Even though the bottle caps may be sealed, the stoppers bulbs are soft rubber thus not tamper proof; and oils and ointments are not sealed. Returns would have to be disposed of and that would be wasteful and not respectful of the plants medicine. Thanks everyone. 

Note: The above information is for educational purposes only. It has not been evaluated by the U.S. FDA, and should not be used for the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of disease. If you are currently using prescription medications, please consult a physician, local herbalist, or other health professional before using your tincture, as some herbs have contraindications with pharmaceuticals.