Running Time: 270 minutes (4-1/2 hours)

DVD 1: Christmas at the Duomo

With Monserrat Caballe, Monserrat Marti, Al Bano Carrisi and Orchestra Lirica.  I Pomeriggi Musicali conducted by Jose Collado.  Filmed live at the Duomo in Milan, Italy.  Includes arrangements by Vivaldi, Verdi, Berlin, Alvarez, and Shubert as well as traditional favorites. 

DVD 2: Concerto di Natale

With Jose Carreras with the Orchestra Sinfonica Dellarsquo; Emilia Romagna "Arturo Toscanini" conducted by David Giminez.  Filmed live at the Basilica di S. Ambrogio in Milan.  Includes arrangements by Bach, Handel, Franck, Shubert and Gounod, as well as traditional favorites including: White Christmas, Little Drummer Boy, Silent Night and others. 

DVD 3: Merry Christmas from Rome

With Cecilia Gasdia (soprano), Pietro Ballo (Tenor), Renato Brusoni (baritone), and Mstislav Rostropovic (Cello).  St. Peter Choir, Rome Symphony Orchestra, Academia Filharmonica Romana Choir.  Special performance by Galina Vishnevskaya Boys Choir.  Conducted by Pablo Colino.  Filmed live at the Basilica di St Maria delgi Angeli in Rome.  Includes music from Bach, Verdi, Mozart, Bizet, Mascagni, Gruber, Teofano, and Chesnokov. 

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