Fleshjack Boys - Milan Christopher King
Dark Skin


È grande, audace e bellissimo! Il Fleshjack di Milan Christopher presenta un'apertura stretta con un vortice di creste, seguita da nodi di piacere e una serie di pieghe e dossi modellati che ti renderanno pronto per tuffartici giorno e notte. Che tu stia cercando amore o hip hop, il masturbatore maschile di Milano ti farà cantare le sue lodi! Modellato direttamente da Milan Christopher! Include la guaina Fleshjack di Milan Christopher da lui firmata e la custodia Flashjack dorata.


It's big, bold and beautiful! Milan Christopher’s Fleshjack features a tight opening with a swirl of ridges, followed by pleasure nodes and a series of patterned folds and bumps that will have you ready to dive in day and night. Whether you're looking for love or hip hop, Milan's male masturbator will have you singing its praises! Molded from the man himself! Includes Milan Christopher Fleshjack butt sleeve with Milan’s signature King texture and a gold Fleshjack case.



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Availability: The items are normally ready for delivery and are shipped within 48 hours of payment. If they are not ready for delivery, we will inform you about the time of escape.