Castor oil has a strong fungicidal property thanks to undecylenic acid, which is a breakdown product of the ricinoleic fatty acid abundant in the oil. It can be used to treat common fungal diseases like ringworm, athlete’s foot and tinea cruris (crotch itch). It is as effective as the azole drugs used to treat fungal infections, if not more, but without any of the toxic effects of the antifungal drugs.Heat some castor oil and allow it to cool until it is just warm to touch. Apply it in the affected area just before bedtime and leave it on overnight. Repeat for a week to see significant improvement. Continue the treatment until the infection completely disappears.Mascara is used to make the eyelashes look fuller and darker, and to define the eyes better. This age-old beauty aid is traditionally made by burning vegetable oils such as coconut oil infused with herbal extracts and essential oils. The soot is collected on a surface smeared with castor oil. It is a messy process, but the homemade product is much safer than any mascara you can buy today.Use castor oil to treat acne, warts, and skin tags that seem to appear for no reason. While warts result from a viral infection, skin tags usually develop in areas where the skin gets rubbed constantly. Acne breaks out when there’s an overproduction of sebum in the skin gland, and it is often complicated by secondary microbial infections.More and more people are sleep deprived today. Awareness about the ill effects of not having enough sleep has not helped much because sleep is not something we can force on ourselves. We need to feel sleepy, and should be able to fall asleep easily. Ideally, nighttime sleep should continue uninterrupted for at least 7 to 7 ½ hours.Castor oil can help you fall asleep without much delay and put you into deep slumber for an extended period.Most babies go through a phase of crying uncontrollably due to colicky pain sometime in the first few months of life. But the exact reason of colic is not known. It could be due to gas, abnormal spasms, or obstructions in the still developing gastrointestinal tract. Whatever the reason, castor oil seems to provide relief where many oral medications fail to.The oil should be applied externally on the abdominal area and gently rubbed in. It is not clear whether it is the analgesic property of the oil or its soporific effect at work here, but most babies seem to get quick relief and sound sleep soon after the application.