Popular Mechanics

June 1937

Great for a birthday gift and easy to read.

Some of the articles inside are: Oil runs the world; Giant floating sphere will be the wonder of the Fair; Five ships lined up at the New York Pier; Freezing juice in cans; Grim jokes of the fire demon; plane grows wings as student learns to fly; How to keep your house cool in the summer; Oiler oils for your car; Super highway being built across Germany; 3 wheel gasoline truck; Balloon nets to guard cities against air raids;  4 pages on baseball; Dispatchers of the Sky - Lines; balloon dog team to explore stratosphere; Making brass instruments; Fly casting and flies - 6 pages; ;   ;  Planes, ships, guns and lots of small articles and photos. It's packed. . Lots of ads and a number of other articles and photos..

Most Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, Mechanix Illustrated, Scientific American, Science and Invention, Science, Science Newsletter are in stock. Inquire about other issues.

Chosen Reflections/ Million Magazines, Kaufman Texas 75142.

In the trade since 1976. Over one million Magazines and one million original prints in stock 1843 to present.