Land of Mine [New DVD] Ac-3/Dolby Digital, Dolby, Subtitled, Widescreen

Title: Land of Mine

Format: DVD

Label: Sony Pictures

Genre: Foreign-German, War-World War II

UPC: 043396506312

Release Date: 2017

During World War II, the Nazis had seeded Denmark's west coast with better than two million land mines... and after the Third Reich's fall, Sgt. Carl Rasmussen (Roland Møller) was provided with a detail of youthful German POWs to perform the sweeping. As he sets his prisoners upon their harrowing task, the embittered veteran slowly finds himself coming to regard them as individuals instead of occupiers. Thoughtful, arresting effort also stars Mikkel Bøe Folsgaard, Joel Basman, Louis Hoffman, Emil Belton, Oskar Belton. 100 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: Danish and German; Subtitles: English. In Danish and German with English subtitles.

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