Fresh yield harvested in September 2023

Country of Origin: Lithuania 

Nutritional Value of Royal Jelly:Royal jelly contains a rich variety of nutrients including minerals like calcium, copper, iron, phosphorous, silicon, sulfur, and potassium, as well as a wealth of B-family vitamins, biotin, inositol, folate, nucleic acids, gamma globulin, and 17 different amino acids, including the 8 essential amino acids that the human body cannot produce, and must therefore get from their diet.Directions: Take a ¼ tsp of royal jelly on the tongue first thing in the morning, followed by water or other cold drink like apple juice to mask strong taste.Storage: Please note that this product should be refrigerated.Shipping: Royal jelly has to be cold all times. Your parcel will be sent for next day delivery. Please make sure when parcel is received, keep product in a fridge. If you order late Thursday, your order will be processed on Monday to make sure that your parcel won't stay in post depo for weekend.What exactly is Royal Jelly?Royal jelly is excreted from the top of a bee’s head and is collected in a queen cell (a special honeycomb). When bee larvae are first born, they are fed royal jelly directly from the workers in order to get a healthy, nutritious boost so they survive their first few days of life. However, after 3-4 days, larvae no longer consume royal jelly. However, for potential queen bees, royal jelly is far more important. Queen larvae are put into these special queen cells and are surrounded by royal jelly. This is what helps them to develop their “queen morphologyThere is a single protein, royalactin, that causes the phenotypic change in the queen larvae. It causes them to develop ovaries and grow to a far larger size than normal bees. It has been known to extend the life span of a queen more than 20 times longer than that of a normal bee.Since bees are such good workers, a single colony can store up to 500 grams of royal jelly over a 5-6 month period. A queen couldn’t possibly consume that much, which is why a market developed for this nutrient supplement.It is important never to heat royal jelly, because it will destroy all of the enzymatic properties and some of the proteins that make it so beneficial for human consumption.Health benefits:Premature Ageing: Just as royal jelly helps to extend the queen's life span significantly, the antioxidant compounds found in royal jelly can also work the eliminate the free radicals that normally cause premature ageing of our cells. Antioxidants can eliminate wrinkles, maintain a healthy shine to your skin, prevent hair loss, and avoid macular degeneration, while also extending your life by preventing certain chronic disease.Blood Pressure: Research has revealed that some of the proteins found in royal jelly have a direct effect on blood pressure levels in humans. This protein hydrolysate can have a long-lasting impact on blood pressure. When this is combined with the potassium found in it, which also acts as a vasodilator to reduce stress on blood vessels and the heart, royal jelly is a great way to prevent a variety of heart conditions.Cholesterol Levels: Research has shown that consistently adding it to your diet can cause a notable drop in your ''bad'' cholesterol levels, thereby helping you prevent atherosclerosis and subsequent cardiovascular issues like heart attacks and strokes.Metabolic Activity: The fact that royal jelly contains all 8 of the necessary amino acids that humans cannot produce themselves makes royal jelly a very important food source. Those 8 amino acids can be difficult to acquire, but are necessary for forging new proteins in the body and keeping our metabolism running properly. Royal jelly can increase cellular regeneration, boost muscle development and growth, increase bone strength, and optimize the hormonal enzymatic processes in our body.Infertility Issues: Although the exact function of royal jelly in the fertility process is unclear, some suspect that its impact on human fertility is connected to royalactin, which is the protein that affects the queen's morphology and helps her become sexually viable. Whatever the reason happens to be, it has been shown to increase the fertility of men and increase sperm motility, thereby increasing their partner's chances of becoming pregnant.Inflammation: The impressive range of vitamins and active enzymes in royal jelly make it a potential anti-inflammatory agent. You can topically apply royal jelly in a paste to certain affected areas of the body t relieve the pain of inflammation.Weight Loss Effect: Lecithin is one of the components in royal jelly, which can effectively lower cholesterol, improve liver function, and promote healthy digestion. All of these things can help with weight loss efforts. When combined with the improved metabolism that is caused by royal jelly and the protein content of this nutrient supplement, it can work as a definite weight loss booster.Caution: A number of people are allergic to honey, bee pollen and royal jelly. The allergic reaction can also be quite severe, even causing rapid anaphylaxis. Before adding royal jelly to your diet, it is good idea to speak with your doctor or allergist. Before adding royal jelly to your diet, firstly try tinny amount.Ingredients: Raw fresh royal jelly. Country of origin: Lithuania. Keep refrigerated. Use within 2 years.