NOVI TSVETIA(new flowers) became the absolute pioneers of punk in Bulgaria, starting as early as 1975, copying SLADE and T-REX.

The band was made of a bunch of kids, that later on heard some hot punk stuff on the Yugoslavian radio and decided to become
“punks”…back in 1979.They made their own instruments, recorded demos in their summer kitchen, using a simple reel to reel
recorder. With the “perestroika” they became more famous, did their first official gigs and even got an alarm clock as a prize! It was
1987…The early 90s brought more fans, more concerts and then one day it all faded away, as after all they had to take care of
their families, to work and….you know…
In 2004 "Radiation 1978 - 1995" was released, a sort of collection of tracks that never made it on vinyl or cd, until then
.In February 2007 they released the new album "Zemen Rai" (The Earthly Paradise) also including some of their old tracks.
Think of some raw street punk with a contemporary touch, evil and offensive. Do not forget that this CD also has some of their 70s - 80s recording, unavailable until now...

LINE UP 2007: