Essences Bulgaria BIO Moldawischer Drachenkopf Ätherisches Öl 5ml | 10ml | Dracocephalum moldavica | 100 % Naturrein | Unverdünnt | Spitzenqualität aus Familienbetrieb | Ohne Gentechnik | Vegan


Drachenkopf (Dracocephalum moldavica) 100% naturreines, ätherisches Öl

● gehört zur botanischen Familie der Lippenblütler (Lamiaceae)

● ist auch als Moldawischer Drachenkopf, Türkischer Drachenkopf, Türkische Melisse oder Moldawische Melisse bekannt

● sehr angenehmes wohliges Zitronen-Orange-Honig Duftthema

● zunehmende Beliebtheit als Zutat für Teemischungen

● als Saunaduft oder als Zugabe zur Badewanne entfaltet das Öl seine natürliche beruhigende Wirkung


Application areas:

· immune-boosting

· with anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antimicrobial effects

· with antioxidant and cardioprotective effects

· promotes digestion and soothes the stomach

· Promotes the production of gastric juice and thus helps against cramps in the gastrointestinal area

· stimulating effect on the activity of the liver and gall bladder

· can be used as a sedative and for nervousness

· relieves altitude sickness

· can help to fight Alzheimer’s disease

Practical application instructions:

In the fragrance lamp:  dilute 3-4 drops of oil with a little water to create a pleasant scent in the room.

Internal use:  Dilute 1 drop of oil with 100ml of water.

External use:  Mix with coconut oil or another base oil. In addition to the pain-relieving effects of dragon head oil, regular use also keeps the skin young and supple!

Warning : Keep away from children! During pregnancy, use only after consulting a doctor. Avoid contact with the eyes, inner ear and other sensitive parts of the body.

Why Essences - Bulgaria? Because we do it ourselves!

Every step of the process, from the germination of the seed to the finished drop of oil, is in our hands. This means that the quality is guaranteed at every step of the process and we can ensure that the harvest takes place at the right time and that the oils are distilled in the right way to give you the best possible quality. This is our concern and we stand for the highest standards.

Our geographical location allows us to grow only selected plants, so we can say with absolute certainty that what we do, we do right!

We are delighted to repay the trust you have placed in us with absolute top quality!

An important note : Please note that we  are a producer of essential oils. Our essential oils  can increase well-being and thus support medical care.  With our offers we make no promises to alleviate symptoms or promise a cure. If  you have physical or mental illnesses, you should always consult a doctor or therapist.  Our offers do  not replace a doctor, alternative practitioner, therapist or psychologist and do not release you  from your medication. We do not make diagnoses or anything like that. We do not prescribe or recommend any medication or healing products .