Floradade tomato seeds, heirloom, open-pollinated, non-gmo. 

25 seeds per packet.  

Floradade has fantastic flavor, is red and round. Very productive. It has performed amazingly well for me in the high desert frontier at 4100 feet. My growing season is sometimes very long (May-November) and other years it can end in early September. No matter, this variety puts on a ton of fruit and does very well regardless of length of season. 

Great flavor and appearance

Though this tomato was bred for heavy soils of Florida, it did great in my sandy desert soil. Note: I add lots of organic matter such as compost, red worm castings, leaves, etc. Does great in high heat areas, just maintain a consistent watering regimen, I use drip lines.

Back in 2010 I bought my first assortment of heirloom seeds, off ebay actually, from Blue Ribbon Tomatoes. Unfortunately, they are no longer selling heirloom tomato seed, boo! Anyway, I bought 100 or so varieties and have been growing them out ever since. One of the tomatoes I've grown, that has been a favorite, and one I have grown several times is FLORADADE. Lots of fruit with good flavor. I use it as a general-purpose tomato...salsa, sauce, slicer, salads, whatever this tomato has multi-functionality!

74 days, determinate — This extremely popular market tomato is well adapted to southern humid areas.  It offers early to mid-season fruit with a deep globe shape, that are firm, smooth and joint less. It is red at maturity, about seven ounces in weight, on plants that offers good cover from the sun. It also has SVF 1 & 2 disease tolerance.

Flora-Dade was bred by the University of Florida, Homestead and was released 1976.

Floradade is a large determinant plant.  This tomato produces firm smooth 5-7 oz, slightly deep globes, red with green shoulders. Great size for all kinds of uses!

This tomato was made for the South and thrives there.  Floradade's ability to with stand 90-100F temperatures and still produce heavy crops is legendary.  Floradade was bred to excel in the heavy calcareous soils of Dade County Florida so yields may be reduced in highly sandy soils. 

Recommended by the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.  "These seed varieties have been tested and proven resilient in the Florida backyard garden."


The seeds you will receive are from 2017's harvest. All seeds are fermented, strained, washed, dried, and stored at 34 degrees f until you purchase them. I have been saving seed for 7 years and this is the step by step process I use every year and I'll tell you, my germination rates are amazing! 
a quick note on seed storage... I feel through my experience the best way to store your seed is in the refrigerator. Some vegetable varieties produce seed that remains viable for many years (tomatoes) and others produce seed that does not store well under any conditions (onions). I believe seed stored under refrigerated conditions could last 10 years or more. I have just planted some ACE 55 seeds from 2000 in summer 2017. They did great! Germination rates were in the 90% range and these seeds had been sitting in a box in my garage for the past 17 years! I have some of that seed available now listed as Marlboro Ace 55. GET SOME!

At Frontier Farms, we specialize in many varieties of Heirloom tomatoes, peppers, plus many other vegetable varieties. 

WHAT IS AN HEIRLOOM? Heirloom plants are grown from seeds that have been handed down thru generations, saved from year to year, some varieties dating back hundreds of years. Many made the migration from Europe and the East with the immigrants coming to the USA. The seeds are never cross pollinated  and so they remain true to their particular characteristics. Heirloom tomatoes come in all colors, shapes, and sizes ? Reds, Pinks, Yellows, Orange, White, Green, Striped, and Black. Ranging in sizes of cherry and grape to large grapefruit size, meaty, or juicy.  

WHY HEIRLOOM? These tomatoes are more natural, they are non GMO (genetically modified). They do not have as long of a shelf life as store bought tomatoes, but that is what makes them special. They have a real fantastic tomato flavor not found in grocery store offerings. These tomatoes are indeterminate (they grow all season, they flower all season and they produce tomatoes all season. They don?t stop until frost. Once heirloom tomatoes are picked, they do not have a long shelf life as hybrids but they more than make up for any shortcomings in flavor.

Please see my other listings and my store for more great varieties and thank you!