You are bidding on Warhammer:   Warhammer 30K/40K Thousand Sons Horus Heresy Army 3000K+ points Painted

This army has many special upgrades: Torsos, shoulder pads, heads, doors, transfers, etc...from various manufacturers (FW, puppets war, some Costa Rica Ebay guy, etc...)

Magnus the Red (alt manufacturer)

Magistus Amon (kit bash)

Ahzek Ahriman (BoP)

Legion Praetor Tribune

Ammitara x 5

Khenetai x 5

Sekhmet Terminators x 15 ( 3 groups of 5, Cataphractii, Tartaros, Flex)

Dreadnought Drop Pod

Rogue Trader Land Raider Proteus

Primus Medicare/Apothecary (Magnetized back pack/jump pack)

Assault/Breacher x 10  (Magnetized back pack/jump pack, CCW/Bolter/MG)

Tac x 10

Contemptor Dreadnought

Scorpius/Rhino x 2

GW case that fits the entire army.

Comes as is.



World wide $200

Note to Canadian and International buyers: I'll charge actual shipping + $5 for shipping. I don't know how much it will cost to ship to you until I take it down to the USPS. This means I will most likely be doing a partial refund on shipping after I ship it to you.

Shipping discounts offered for multiple auctions won w/in 24 hours (more auctions won = more savings on shipping).

I expect payment w/in 72 hours of end of auction(s).

I'll leave + feedback after you do.