barebones Monaco Lite SE Red - Handwired All-Valve Guitar Amplifier
5Watt Class A with Celestion 10" Greenback & ElectroHarmonix Valves

Perfect for Practice, Studio and Stage, the barebones Monaco Lite SE offers pure valve tone with full command of your sound

Featuring a single 12AX7 in cascade mode for maximum overdrive; a single 6V6 for glorious overdriven tones at reasonable volumes; speakers by none other than Celestion, whose speakers drive some of the best amps ever built

​Despite being our simplest amplifier, the Monaco Lite SE offers full command of your sound -
​Close mic'd, the barebones Monaco Lite SE provides crystal clear tones which sound like they are straight from the records you listen to everyday. This is no surprise as the barebones Monaco Lite SE is built using traditional methods with quality components throughout. Not a stone has been left unturned in search for the ultimate tone

We have striven to produce the finest amplifier possible, mixing the best of vintage design with the best modern reliability. An amplifier we hope you'll be proud to own; an amplifier which will serve you well for many years to come

Technical Spec

barebones Guitar Amplification Ltd

Simply Great Tone

Collection available from our showroom - Unit 1 Rawlings Farm, Rettendon Common, CM3 8DY