This power supply can replace a Naim XPS, while providing superior sound quality.

It can power Naim CD and hard disk players: CDX, CDX2, CDS2, CDS3, HDX, and the Naim DAC.


See our other items and our web site for HiCap replacement power supplies for Naim





Like the TeddyCap which replaces and provides an improvement over the HiCap, this power supply replaces and provides an improvement over the XPS. The improvement is achieved by using a superior design and high quality components to provide the best possible sound quality.

The TeddyXPS can replace a Naim Audio XPS in order to power Naim CD and HD players such as the Naim CDX, CDX2, CDS2, CDS3, HDX, DAC, etc.

This design is based on the experience gained with the TeddyCap.



In general, you’ll experience more clarity, tighter bass, more details, better dynamics, natural voices, better soundstage and PRaT (similar to the TeddyCap).


In a nutshell

The power supply has a major effect on sound quality. Ideally a power supply should contain only clean DC, but in practice every power supply, including batteries injects noise to the amplification stages. Any noise on the power rail translates into distortion, coloration, and sound which is less natural.

When the AC voltage is rectified, a ripple is added to the DC voltage. This ripple translates into noise at all audible frequencies and has a negative effect on the sound quality. The better the power supply can filter this ripple the better the sound will be. To get an idea of how much the power supply can affect the sound quality, suffice to mention that almost all NAIM preamplifiers are based on the same amplification circuitry, and differ in their ability to connect more or better power supplies.


The amplitude of the ripple mentioned above decreases with the size and quality of the smoothing capacitors being used. Naim Audio uses a brut force technique for the HiCap and XPS; they use a 500VA transformer and rely on large low ESR capacitors. Not only that this technique is less effective in noise filtering, but over time, being electrolytic capacitors, the quality of these capacitors decrease (ESR increases), and as a result the ripple increases, this is the reason for which the HiCap and XPS require re-capping every 10 years or so.


The most common way to reduce ripple is to use a linear voltage regulator such as the LM317 used for the HiCap and XPS. All linear (feedback) regulators however, including the superior SuperRegulator, have a limitation which is inherent to the way they operate; they can only fix a problem after it occurs. Since the speed in which they can fix the problem (regulate) is constant, their ripple rejection capability decreases with frequency. The LM317 has a ripple rejection of around 80db at 50Hz, which drops to merely 20db at very high frequencies (note that a -60db difference means x1000 times less!!!).


The SuperTeddyReg

The regulator is the heart of the power supply. The TeddyXPS is designed around the SuperTeddyReg, a regulator that has been developed especially for this power supply and surpasses any regulator that I have tested so far. Thousands of the original TeddyReg regulators have been sold during the past months via the PinkfishMedia DIY forum. The SuperTeddyReg is an evolution of the TeddyReg and provides even better performance.


The innovation in this power supply is the incorporation of a very effective low-pass filter that in conjunction with a voltage reference provides a theoretical (impossible to measure with ordinary equipment) ripple rejection of more than 120db over the entire audible spectrum and above 1MHz. This powerful filter allows using smaller transformers and smaller smoothing capacitors. Since it does not rely on the large smoothing capacitors to eliminate the noise, it does not require re-capping as the quality of these capacitors decreases. The other advantage of using smaller capacitors for the filter is that capacitors other than electrolytic can be used. Electrolytic capacitors are limited in high frequencies, and have leakage noise. This PSU is using a combination of Tantalum, Polyester, and X7R ceramic capacitors capable of filtering very high frequencies (over 1MHz). Surprisingly, filtering high frequencies even above 100 KHz is clearly audible.


Note that unlike the TeddyCap mkII, the TeddyXPS no longer uses the LM317 linear regulator but uses instead a very low noise discrete voltage reference which is much less noisy than the LM317, and provides an overall improvement in sound quality.


More information regarding the TeddyReg, the SuperTeddyReg, as well as power supply background can be found on my web site.


The Cable

The TeddyXPS is supplied with a high quality cable, replacing the Naim Burndy cable. This cable is made of three independently screened cables, each of them is made of PTFE/Silver plated wires. One cable carries the power for the analogue circuits, one for the DAC circuits, and one for the motor and control circuits. Having each cable independently screened gives better separation between them.







The Case 

The TeddyXPS is built in an elegant black aluminium case (similar to the DualTeddyCap), saving space on your expensive hi-fi rack, and saving negotiations regarding the introduction of another large black box…








Voltage: 220-240V or 110-120V (can be used worldwide)

Size: 21x16x6 cm

Weight: 2.4 Kg



You can read a TeddyXPS review on PinkFishMedia:



Note that the TeddyXPS is supplied without mains cable. Thanks to the high filtering capabilities of the TeddyXPS any standard kettle/PC cable can be used and there is no need to invest in sophisticated cables.




What people say about the TeddyXPS:

"The TeddyXPS sounds great with the Naim DAC, the sound is more open and clearer, thank you!"


Xps came on thursday. My system is now Cdx2/Xps Supernait/Teddycap and Guru Qm-10. I have been playing music the whole weekend and I have to say that your xps got a really nice and smooth presentation. Every bit of harshness and edginess is gone. I liked my Cdx2, but now that your Teddy Xps is in place I feel like everything sounds more natural, analogue. There were few cd´s I did not feel like listening before, but that is not the case anymore. Even my wife does not mind me cracking volume, which really impresses me!;) Everything feels like making more sense. Thanks for the great update again. "

“After much swapping of units & listening, I prefer your unit to my stock XPS (which I recently had recapped). Now perhaps the XPS would improve with more break in (I had it running continuously for a few weeks). At this point however (& friends agree) I think the stock unit sound stage is more up front and 'flatter'.

There's more apparent 'presence' while the bass sort of recedes but has less drive through the launch, delivery and decay of notes.  As I said earlier, the bass seems tighter & more tuneful/articulate with your unit.  Plus I think your unit has more depth. There you have it, with my ears, gear & room I think your unit is at least as good (actually better).”

"I've just finished my first hear session with the TeddyXPS. It was not easy to finish.

I heard akustic guitar and Alan Parsons Project. Sometimes I cried snot and water. Unbelievable! I've not known, that so much emotions can come from CD.

The playback is quiter and cleaner. More rich, more from everything. More layed back, not "shout in the face".

Thank you for this experience"

"Hi Teddy,

So I finaly received the TeddyXPS and have had a couple of days with it. I can confirm it works very well with the HDX: 

1. It energizes the whole sound spectrum. Its much more vibrant now,

2. It takes the last remains of digital hardness out of the highs (This is the thing that pleases me the most!)

3. It extends and focuses the lows surprisingly much
4. Lastly I like the sleek design a lot"

Firstly, many thanks for the prompt dispatch - I received the XPS today with great anticipation! I have connected it up to my Naim CDX and first impressions are extremely favorable - a dramatic difference in all parameters and I'm looking forward to some serious listening over the next few days. I've not experienced the Naim XPS so can't make comparisons, but given the relative price tags and your very convincing  product profile (and I'm not at all technical), I think this product should do really well!”

"Just a quick note to let you know that my XPS was safely delivered this afternoon - door to door in 2 days.

I have connected it up and had a quick listen, and it does indeed make a very significant difference - but you already knew that, of course :-)

I will spend some more time listening over the next few days, but first impressions are very favourable indeed. As well as sounding fantastic, the PSU also looks great. It is only a little bigger than my NAPSC, and blends in nicely with my Naim black boxes."


"First off the Teddy XPS is great; I’m very pleased with it. It is now certainly a much more enjoyable and musical experience than the Naim one, and that was a big step up from my stand alone CDX.


Your XPS with a well burnt in Teddy Black cable makes one of the finest sounding CD players I have ever had the pleasure to listen to. This includes the very, very expensive ones by Naim and others. It’s a no brainer Teddy."



Read my feedback for more info


Please don’t hesitate asking if you have any further question.


Please note that the product is shipped from Israel and the price exclude taxes. You may be asked by the local customs to pay taxes according to the law in your country (usually VAT)