Beowulf: Unabridged with Glossary and Notes.

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DESCRIPTION: Softcover: 110 pages. Publisher: Prestwick House; (2005). In an ancient Danish Kingdom, Grendel, a brutal monster roams the countryside nightly, spreading terror across the land. Beowulf, a warrior of great strength and courage, hears of the bloody, pitiless attacks and immediately sets sail to free the Danes from Grendel’s bloodlust. Although “Beowulf” dates from the very beginning of English literature, this saga of a man who is “most kind to his people, most eager for fame” is as thrilling to us now as it was to the Anglo-Saxons who first told it over 1,000 years ago.

The lively language of adventure, glory and sacrifice, so often lost in other translations, resonates in this new Prestick House Literary Touchstone Press Classic. This new, highly readable edition, by M.A. Roberts, includes a glossary and notes to help the modern reader with the complexities, archaic language, and references in “Beowulf”.

CONDITION: NEW. New oversized softcover. Prestwick House (2005) 110 pages. Unblemished, unmarked, pristine in every respect. Pages are pristine; clean, crisp, unmarked, unmutilated, tightly bound, unambiguously unread. Satisfaction unconditionally guaranteed. In stock, ready to ship. No disappointments, no excuses. PROMPT SHIPPING! HEAVILY PADDED, DAMAGE-FREE PACKAGING!




REVIEW: Widely regarded as the first true masterpiece of English literature, “Beowulf” describes the thrilling adventures of a great Scandinavian warrior of the sixth century A.D. Its lyric intensity and imaginative vitality are unparalleled, and the poem has greatly influenced many important modern novelists and poets, most notably J. R. R. Tolkien, author of “The Lord of the Rings”. Part history and part mythology, “Beowulf” opens in the court of the Danish king where a horrible demon named Grendel devours men in their sleep every night. The hero Beowulf arrives and kills the monster, but joy turns to horror when Grendel’s mother attacks the hall to avenge the death of her son. Ultimately triumphant, Beowulf becomes king himself and rules peacefully for fifty years until, one dark day, a foe more powerful than any he has yet faced is aroused, an ancient dragon guarding a horde of treasure. Once again, Beowulf must summon all his strength and courage to face the beast, but this time victory exacts a terrible price.


REVIEW: “Beowulf” is the most substantial of the Old English poems we have. It survives in a single manuscript of about the year 1010 A.D., but was composed generations earlier. Its story is set centuries earlier still, on the North Sea coasts from which the Angles and Saxons came to Britain. It shows the northern heroic world, a world of deep interest to its Christian audience as the world of their ancestors, presenting it with a tragic reserve. Its poetic dignity is well-kept in this classic verse translation, often broadcast and anthologized since its first publication in 1973.

REVIEW: “Beowulf”, an Anglo-Saxon poem of epic scope, dates back to the year 850 A.D. and marks the beginning of the English literary tradition. This revised edition of Michael Alexander's acclaimed verse translation makes accessible to modern readers the story of the Scandinavian hero Beowulf, slayer of the monster Grendel and Grendel's mother, who becomes a king of Greatland in old age and is mortally wounded in combat with a dragon. A richly allusive narrative, blending history with legend and folklore, “Beowulf” portrays an epic conflict of feast and feud, generosity and vengeance, life and death. In this new edition for Penguin Classics, Michael Alexander provides a new introduction, bibliography, notes, maps, an index of proper names, genealogical tables, and a fully revised text.

REVIEW: Beowulf stands at the head of English literature; a poem of historical interest and epic scope. Although the first manuscript of Beowulf dates from around the year 1,000 A.D., it is thought that the poem existed in its present form from the year 850. Beowulf's adventures themselves stand in front of the wide historical canvas of 5th and 6th century Scandinavia. Against this heroic background of feuding and feasting, Beowulf first kills the monster Grendel and her mother, and later defends his people against a dragon in a battle that leaves them both mortally wounded. This is an Anglo-Saxon masterpiece.

REVIEW: “Beowulf” is the most important Old English poem and perhaps the most significant single survival from the Anglo-Saxon period. Though its composition was completed in England in the eighth century, the poem is set in the heroic societies of a fifth-century Scandinavia. Against this background of feuding and feasting, the hero Beowulf kills Grendel and Grendel's mother, but in killing the Dragon is himself killed. We have here something more than merely a heroic poem of historical interest: “Beowulf” has a truly epic quality and scope, and this verse translation successfully communicates the poem's artistry and eloquence. A foundation stone of poetry in English.

REVIEW: Beowulf is the earliest extant poem in a modern European language. It was composed in England four centuries before the Norman Conquest. As a social document this great epic poem is invaluable -- reflecting a feudal, newly Christian world of heroes and monsters, blood and victory, life and death. As a work of art it is quite unique; Beowulf rings with a beauty, power, and artistry that have kept it alive for more than twelve centuries. The noble simplicity of Beowulf's anonymous Anglo-Saxon singer is recaptured in this vivid translation.

REVIEW: “Beowulf” is the most important Old English poem and perhaps the most significant survival from the Anglo-Saxon period. The action takes place on the North Sea coasts of the fifth and sixth centuries, the world from which the ancestors of its audience had come to England. Against the heroic background of feast and feud, its hero defeats the monster Grendel, but dies defending his people against a dragon. “Beowulf” has truly epic quality and scope.

REVIEW: The earliest extant poem in a modern European language, Beowulf was composed 400 years before the Norman Conquest. As a social document, this great epic poem reflects a feudal, newly Christian world of heroes and monsters, blood and victory and death. As a work of art, it rings with a beauty, power, and artistry that have kept it alive for more than twelve centuries.


REVIEW: Beowulf is the original super hero, doing deeds other dare not do. I found Beowulf to also be a generalization of life. In our youth we think ourselves invincible and do daring things. As we get older, we get tied down to a job. In our old age, our strength fails us. Then it is up to the next generation to take over, with all their zeal and enthusiasm. The translation from Old English came through nicely and even had some flow. Beowulf may be the most important Old English poem, but it is also an important Germanic epic poem, and little seems lost or changed by the Christian writers.

REVIEW: Beowulf, an Anglo-Saxon poem, its origin remaining undated (conjecture abounds as to the period in which it was written), is a supreme example of classic literature. Yes, the epic poem has dragons and demons and some other mythological creatures humans have devised over the centuries however, what astounding story comes without a brilliantly powerful antagonist (or, in Beowulf's case, arch-nemesis)? Footnotes add flavor to this delightful, classical, easy-read epic poem. For readers, English majors, and people seeking a literary thrill, this Anglo-Saxon classic stresses the importance of bravery a genuine understanding of life and death, and that each will visit every mortal being and, finally, the poetic splendor of honor by valor.

REVIEW: Beowulf is a story that I immensely enjoyed. In this epic poem, the classic themes of good against evil and the importance of character are powerfully shown. I was transported into this story as the words melted and became pictures in my mind. Although Beowulf occasionally spoke of histories unknown to me, I found that this did not hinder my enjoyment of the story in any way whatsoever. This is a truly wonderful story. When I first picked it up, I did not anticipate the treat in store for me when I read it. I hope that others will read this story and enjoy it as much as I did.

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