
Organically Grown

Mesembryanthemum cordifolium, Aptenia cordifolia, commonly called Red Apples, is a fast-spreading perennial succulent ground cover that smothers weeds. It has heart shaped leaves and red blossoms that flower through spring and summer and attract bees and butterflies. It is easily grown from seed or cutting. It is almost like a weed in that once established it will re-seed itself and come up on its own every year.

Height: 6 – 12 inches

Width: 3 feet

Flowers: ½ inch, red/purple with yellow center

Flower Season: spring to summer

Water use: low

Sun Exposure: full sun to partial shade

Soil: any type of soil with good drainage

Cold Hardiness: 10° F

Sowing Instructions: sow 1/8 inch deep in sandy soil and keep at 60 to 65° F

Growth Rate: fast

Type: perennial

Common names: Hearts and Flowers, Baby Sunrose, Baby Sun Rose, Heartleaf, Ice Plant, Dew Plant


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