Old school mixer from one of the best known brands in the industry - Numark!

Manual cross-fader mixer for the old skool artisan with the true DJ skillz.....before your entire playlists were uploaded into your hard drive. 

It has RCA connections and a Phono (Cables NOT INCLUDED)

SEE the photo that shows the available connections. 2 Channel, but with Phono options can have unto 4 different sources, including Turntables, CD & Tape Decks, Laptops..etc.

The unit works fine after connecting to a tape deck & cd player.

All channels played. Just wasn't tested under actual DJ conditions.

Power cable in pic IS INCLUDED.

**Please note, the headphone knob(see pic #4), which is on the right side, is the ONLY missing piece, though it still works perfectly when I checked with my own headphones.
**Also has a very slight bend on the frame(see pic #6) that doesn't interfere with anything on the unit.

Sold AS-IS and will ship 2-3 day Priority within the same day if possible.

Thank you for your time & interest!