Ring of Fire: The Emile Griffith Story documents one of the most shocking and brutal events in the history of boxing. During a bout against Benny Paret in 1962, Griffith beat the man so badly that Paret died from the injuries sustained in the ring. This tragic incident becomes more complex when one learns that before the fight Paret made a derogatory comment about Griffith's possible homosexual orientation. The bout was televised nationally. The film includes footage from the fight as well as interviews with Griffith himself, journalists, historians, and others. This film played at the Sundance Film Festival.

New York City, March 24, 1962: Rival boxing champions Emile Griffith and Benny "Kid" Paret entered the ring for their feverishly anticipated world title bout. Earlier, Paret had taunted his allegedly homosexual opponent with a shocking slur. That night, as millions of fans watched the fight on live television, Griffith brutally beat Paret to death. The sport of boxing, the life of Emile Griffith, and the innocence of America would be changed forever. In this haunting documentary, filmmakers Dan Klores and Ron Berger capture a provocative saga of love, violence and redemption that transcends the ring. Through startling archival footage and revealing new interviews with jounalists, historians, champion boxers, Paret's widow, and Griffith himself, experience the Sundance sensation that begins with one tragic night nearly 45 years ago and ends with the heartbreaking modern day meeting between Emile Griffith and Benny Paret's now-grown son