Women’s Support Complex 1256mg

Improve Sex Drive And Desire
Relieve Symptoms Of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
Cope With Menopausal Symptoms
Support Female Reproductive Health And Function
Support Natural Libido And Sexual Desire
Manage Mood Swings And Emotional Outbursts
Support A Healthy Menstrual Cycle
Relieve Hormonal Acne
Support Breast Health

(2 Bottles, 120 Capsules)
-Made In USA-

Naturally Balance Hormones To Support PMS and Menopausal Symptoms:

Combining research-based dosing with proven science, this carefully crafted formulation is safe and effective, and can be used long term to support hormonal health and female wellbeing. In addition to supporting female specific concerns, research shows that managing hormones is beneficial for overall health and wellbeing. Healthy hormone balance may also help support energy levels, bone density, stress management and weight control. Hormone-Support for Her is a safe and natural alternative, combining female health ingredients that work synergistically to target various hormonal concerns. Specifically formulated to help target every aspect of female hormone health, Hormone-Support For Her produces results unrivaled in the natural health industry.

Women and the Different Black Cohosh Benefits:

The black cohosh herb is sometimes called in other names such as black snakeroot, black bugbane, and the cutesy fairy candle. With a scientific name of Actaea racemosa, the plant usually grows in North America, specifically in the areas of Georgia, Arkansas, and Missouri. You would also normally see them in the woodlands. Black cohosh benefits are aplenty, but most of them are intended for women who seem to suffer more than men. Every month, they have to battle it out with premenstrual syndrome. When they grow old, they have to deal with signs of menopause. Low estrogen levels during menopause triggers weight gain in roughly 90% of women. This means the body has to look for this essential hormone elsewhere. Because fat cells contain a high amount of estrogen, the body will automatically produce more of these. Ingesting black cohosh helps to raise the estrogen levels in the body, thus stopping the body from producing more fat cells to support its need for estrogen. This way, black cohosh helps in losing weight during menopause.

Dong Quai for Hormonal Balance:

For thousands of years, dong quai has mainly been turned to by the fairer sex, as it has a unique ability to regulate estrogen levels within the body. Whether you’re too high or too low in the estrogen department, dong quai extracts and supplements can get your system back on track, effectively protecting feminine health by helping to regulate periods. One of the most common places for toxins and potentially harmful substances to appear in the body is in the blood. It can be difficult to detoxify the blood, but the high levels of nutrients and Chasteberrys in dong quai, such as folic acid, biotin, and Chasteberry , actually work to clear out the blood and reduce toxicity throughout the body.

Red Clover Benefits:

Red clover is a perennial herb that is native to Europe and Asia, and has become naturalized throughout the U.S.A. A member of the legume family, red clover adds nitrogen to the soil and is used commonly to rejuvenate pastureland. In addition, its blossoms and leaves contain natural compounds that may make red clover potentially useful as a remedy for several health problems. Red clover is considered to be one of the richest sources of isoflavones, which are water-soluble chemicals that act like estrogens (known collectively as phytoestrogens). Red Clover is therefore used for hot flashes/flushes, PMS, breast enhancement and breast health as well as lowering cholesterol, improving urine production and improving circulation of the blood. Researchers believe that isoflavones found in red clover may help ease symptoms of menopause night sweats and hot flashes because of their estrogenlike properties.

Sage As A Natural Nerve Tonic:

Sage has one of the longest histories of use of any culinary or medicinal herb. Ancient Egyptians used it as a fertility supplement. In the first century C.E. Greek physician Dioscorides reported that the aqueous decoction of sage stopped bleeding of wounds and cleaned ulcers and sores. Sage stimulates the central nervous system and the digestive tract. It may help cool off a fever. A natural blood purifier, sage may be useful for detoxification purposes. Sage may be useful as a natural nerve tonic to relieve a nervous headache. Joint pain, lethargy and a weak digestive system are additional indications for the use of the herb, sage.

Licorice: The Unique Root With Amazing Health Benefits:

Licorice root is a natural plant used as a nutritional supplement for its purported health effects. Licorice root may be especially useful for treating female fertility conditions because it has estrogenic effects, similar to dong quai. However, licorice may raise blood pressure and should never be used with diuretics because possible kidney damage could result. Licorice root may help restore regular ovulation in women who have irregular periods. Licorice root has effects similar to estrogen and progesterone, which may correct hormone imbalances to allow for conception to occur. Only use licorice root in the first half of your menstrual cycle, prior to ovulation. Licorice is rich in elements like phytoestrogens and antioxidants. These elements present in licorice show positive results in menopause-related issues, including hot flashes, fatigue and mood swings. The hormonal equilibrium can be attained by consuming two cups of licorice tea daily. It will help women to pass this messy phase comfortably.

Chasteberry Facts About ‘The Women’s Herb’:

Chasteberry, also known as Vitex agnus-castus, is the fruit of the chaste tree, a member of the mint family. It is native to central Asia and southern parts of Europe, but is now also found in places with temperate and subtropical climate worldwide. As you can guess, majority of the uses for chasteberry are connected to libido and sexual health. Today, this herb is taken as a dietary supplement (available in capsule, tablet, liquid extract or essential oil form) to help alleviate menstruation-related problems.6 After using chasteberry, however, do not expect to see immediate results. It’s actually a slow-acting herb and several months may pass (typically between three to six months) before you experience any noticeable effects.

Supplement Facts:

Soy Isoflavones  30mg 
Black Cohosh (2.5% Extract) (Root)  160mg 
Dong Quai (1% Extract) (Root)  150mg 
Licorice (1% Extract) (Root)  150mg 
Red Clover (1% Extract) (Aerial Parts)  400mg 
Sage (2.5% Extract) (Leaf)  200mg 
Chasteberry (0.5% Extract) (Fruit)  50mg 
Blessed Thistle (Herb Powder)  50mg 
Red Raspberry Powder (Fruit)   50mg 
Wild Yam (16% Extract) (Root)  15mg 
Trans-Resveratrol  (From Polygonum Cuspidatum Extract) (Root)   1mg 

OTHER INGREDIENTS:  Microcrystalline Cellulose, Gelatin (Bovine), Vegetable Magnesium Stearate, and Silicon Dioxide.


Serving Size: 2 Capsules, Amount Per Container: 60 

SUGGESTED USE: 2 capsules daily preferably with meals or as directed by a healthcare professional.

CAUTION: Do not exceed recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under 18, and individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement. If you are taking a birth control pill, are considering becoming pregnant or have questions about the advisability of taking this product, consult your physician prior to use. This product is manufactured and packaged in a facility which may also process milk, soy, wheat, egg, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and crustacean shellfish.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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