2018 Topps Star Wars Galactic Files Orange Parallel Cards Pick From List


#ACW-22 Zillo Beast
#ACW-23 Commander Gree
#ACW-24 Commander Fox
#ACW-25 Luminara Unduli
#ACW-26 Barriss Offee
#ACW-27 Seripas
#ACW-28 Professor Huyang
#ACW-29 Darth Bane
#ACW-30 Bossk
#ACW-31 Chancellor Palpatine
#ACW-32 Sugi
#ACW-33 Lok Durd
#ACW-34 Dengar
#ACW-35 Latts Razzi
#ACW-36 Embo
#ACW-37 Rumi Paramita
#ACW-38 Aurra Sing
#ACW-39 Gha Nachkt
#ACW-40 Todo 360
#ACW-41 Queen Miraj Scintel
#ANH-30 Death Star Trooper
#ANH-31 Death Star Gunner
#ANH-32 General Tagge
#ANH-33 Commander Daine Jir
#ANH-34 General Willard
#ANH-35 John D. Branon
#ANH-36 Figrin D'an
#ANH-37 Mosep Binneed
#ANH-38 Leesub Sirln
#ANH-39 Nabrun Leids
#ANH-40 Kabe
#ANH-41 Muftak
#ANH-42 Pons Limbic
#ANH-43 Bom Vimdin
#ANH-44 Djas Puhr
#ANH-45 Elis Helrot
#ANH-46 Feltipern Trevagg
#ANH-47 Labria
#AOTC-21 Anakin Skywalker
#AOTC-22 Obi-Wan Kenobi
#AOTC-23 Padme Amidala
#AOTC-24 Yoda
#AOTC-25 Queen Jamillia
#ESB-17 Darth Vader
#ESB-18 The Emperor
#ESB-19 Princess Leia Organa
#ESB-20 Luke Skywalker
#ESB-21 Han Solo
#ESB-22 C-3PO
#ESB-23 R2-D2
#ESB-24 Captain Needa
#ESB-25 Obi-Wan Kenobi
#ESB-26 Imperial Snowtrooper
#ESB-27 Imperial AT-AT Pilot
#ESB-28 Space Slug
#ESB-29 FX-7
#ESB-30 Tauntaun
#REB-16 Ahsoka Tano
#REB-17 Grand Admiral Thrawn
#REB-18 Jun Sato
#REB-19 Eighth Brother
#REB-20 Klik-Klak
#REB-21 Governor Arihnda Pryce
#REB-22 Yogar Lyste
#REB-23 Fenn Rau
#REB-24 Bendu
#REB-25 Darth Maul
#REB-26 AP-5
#REB-27 Gall Trayvis
#REB-28 Ryder Azadi
#REB-29 Azmorigan
#REB-30 Tristan Wren
#REB-31 Ursa Wren
#REB-32 Gar Saxon
#REB-33 Colonel Yularen
#REB-34 Gooti Terez
#REB-35 RX-24
#REB-36 Mart Mattin
#REB-37 Obi-Wan Kenobi
#REB-38 Ketsu Onyo
#REB-39 Numa
#REB-40 Vult Skerris
#REB-41 Rukh
#RO-9 Jyn Erso
#RO-10 Galen Erso
#RO-11 Mon Mothma
#RO-12 Death Trooper
#RO-13 Pao
#RO-14 Bistan
#RO-15 K-2SO
#RO-16 Darth Vader
#RO-17 Edrio Two Tubes
#RO-18 Benthic Two Tubes
#RO-19 General Merrick
#RO-20 General Draven
#RO-21 Shollan
#RO-22 Caitken
#RO-23 General Jan Dodonna
#RO-24 Sergeant Melshi
#RO-25 Corporal Tonc
#RO-26 Tivik
#RO-27 Lyra Erso
#RO-28 Admiral Raddus
#RO-29 Senator Jebel
#RO-30 Ralo Surrel
#RO-31 Harb Binli
#RO-32 Lt. Zal Dinnes
#RO-33 General Hurst Romodi
#RO-34 Farns Monsbee
#RO-35 Pedrin Gaul
#RO-36 Oolin Musters
#RO-37 Vanee
#RO-38 General Ramda
#RO-39 Barion Raner
#RO-40 Toshdor Ni
#RO-41 Nesta Term
#RO-42 Moroff
#RO-43 Shoretrooper
#RO-44 Laren Joma
#RO-45 Senator Vaspar
#RO-46 Senator Pamlo
#RO-47 Weeteef Cyu-Bee
#RO-48 Lieutenant Sefla
#RO-49 Killi Gimm
#RO-50 Bail Organa
#RO-51 K-OHN
#RO-52 Corporal Ansin Thobel
#ROTJ-19 Chief Chirpa
#ROTJ-20 R2-Q5
#ROTJ-21 Chewbacca
#ROTJ-22 Logray
#ROTJ-23 Rancor
#ROTJ-24 Yoda
#ROTJ-25 Lando Calrissian
#ROTJ-26 Boba Fett
#ROTJ-27 Lieutenant Endicott
#ROTJ-28 Boushh
#ROTJ-29 J'Quille
#ROTJ-30 Barada
#ROTJ-31 Han Solo In Carbonite
#ROTJ-32 Klaatu
#ROTJ-33 Ephant Mon
#ROTS-19 Darth Vader
#ROTS-20 Governor Tarkin
#ROTS-21 Obi-Wan Kenobi
#ROTS-22 Mon Mothma
#ROTS-23 Terr Taneel
#TFA-31 Bazine Netal
#TFA-32 Prashee
#TFA-33 Wollivan
#TFA-34 Praster Ommlen
#TFA-35 Gwellis Bagnoro
#TFA-36 Grummgar
#TFA-37 Sidon Ithano
#TFA-38 Quiggold
#TFA-39 Sarco Plank
#TFA-40 Doctor Kalonia
#TFA-41 First Order Stormtrooper
#TFA-42 Chancellor Villecham
#TFA-43 Petty Officer Thanisson
#TFA-44 Kaydel Ko Connix
#TFA-45 Colonel Datoo
#TFA-46 Guavian Death Gang Enforcer
#TFA-47 Ensign Pamich Nerro Goode
#TFA-48 Korr Sella
#TFA-49 Teedo
#TFA-50 Bobbajo
#TFA-51 Goss Toowers
#TFA-52 Jashco Phurus
#TFA-53 Strono Cookie Tuggs
#TFA-54 Hassk Triplets
#TFA-55 First Order Snowtrooper
#TFA-56 Admiral Ackbar
#TFA-57 Nien Nunb
#TFA-58 Ilco Munica
#TLJ-1 Luke Skywalker
#TLJ-2 Rey
#TLJ-3 Kylo Ren
#TLJ-4 Finn
#TLJ-5 Rose Tico
#TLJ-6 Captain Phasma
#TLJ-7 General Leia Organa
#TLJ-8 R2-D2
#TLJ-9 C-3PO
#TLJ-10 Chewbacca
#TLJ-11 General Hux
#TLJ-12 Poe Dameron
#TLJ-13 DJ
#TLJ-14 Paige Tico
#TLJ-15 Executioner Stormtrooper
#TLJ-16 Caretaker
#TLJ-17 BB-8
#TLJ-18 BB-9E
#TLJ-19 Kaydel Ko Connix
#TLJ-20 General Ematt
#TPM-26 Anakin Skywalker
#TPM-27 Yoda
#TPM-28 Mace Windu
#TPM-29 Senator Palpatine
#TPM-30 Yaddle


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Please use the eBay.com shopping cart to pay one shipping price and receive all discounts possible.  Due to the constant Postal Rate increases, I will no longer quote shipping and handling prices in my description.  Any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

All cards are in at least Nr-Mt condition unless otherwise noted in the title.  If the card photo doesn't match the description, please contact me before purchasing.  You are purchasing the card in the title only, not nessecarily the one pictured.  Returns are accepted, but I reserve the right to charge a 30% re-stocking based on reason for return.

Thank you for clicking on my auction.  Sometimes the listing software I use imports the complete checklist into the description.  I only have the cards available from the drop down menu.  Please select carefully from the drop down list as all sets in the title are included in this listing. Thank you for understanding.

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