We are the exclusive Frownies distributor in Australia. Other ebay sellers are selling FAKE Frownies products. 

Our products are 100% Authentic directly from Frownies USA. 


Smooth The Signs of Aging... Naturally with Frownies®
Frownies® Facial Patches Have Been Smoothing Wrinkles Naturally For Over 100 Years.

Frownies for Forehead & Between Eyebrows Patches

1 x Frownies for Forehead & Between Eyebrows 144 patches 2-4 month supply.

Frownies are facial pads made from natural, skin-friendly materials. Frownies are applied to the forehead and between the eyebrows. Frownies patches form a splint holding the visible layer of skin smooth and flat overnight for a natural, smooth, healthy-looking skin.

Natural: vegetable-based adhesive on unbleached paper
Results: smooths skin and softens deep lines

Using Frownies:

*Separate Frownies by gently tearing along the perforations.
*Thoroughly cleanse, rinse and dry your face. If you use a moisturizer, allow it to absorb into your skin before applying Frownies.
*Gently massage facial lines with fingertips for 10 seconds to stimulate circulation.
*Moisten the shiny side of Frownies with water to activate the vegetable-based adhesive.
*Using two fingers of one hand, smooth your skin while pressing Frownies with the fingers of your other hand. Hold in place until pad adheres. Leave on for a minimum of three hours, but preferably overnight.
*To remove, thoroughly soak pads to release adhesive.

Frownies should be worn every day for 30 days. After the 30 day period, continue to use Frownies 4 or more times per week to maintain your more youthful appearance.

Frownies Patches ingredients: Unbleached Natural Kraft paper with water-activated gum adhesive.

Vegan and not tested on animals.

Made in the USA

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