Priority Shipping (or faster if chosen). Many sellers use slower methods. Global takes longer.

Make sure you have read, researched, and 100% want the item before clicking. No returns or refunds due to the nature of the hobby.

Unfortunately this now has a "free" shipping option due to ebay and buyer pressure. Pick a paid service if outside the 48 contiguous states, or if faster delivery is needed.

According to Redcat, these are 22mm hex and intended for the 1/5 scale DuneRunner RC buggy. Make sure they fit your vehicle before purchasing. If unsure, feel free to ask or check the web. If you have custom adapters, these may fit on other vehicles.

Retail is $115+

Overall diameter is about 7 inches.

Price is firm since I'll actually end up with less than 87% of the payment. Plus, the price could very well increase. EBay may offer a buyer discount though.

In stock. Check eBay for shipping info within 3 days of completed payment. Whether you need fast or cheap, multiple options are available to suit your needs.

Want a discount? Due to fees, the best options are buy during an eBay bucks special and get up to 15% back or use a random coupon code for up to 20% off.

Most can disregard this message. However, for less than 1% of buyers out there, make sure you don't have problems receiving mail. If you do, like a full mailbox or tendency to reject packages for example, pick the item up from the shipping company quickly. There is a 20% restocking fee on all items that come back and original shipping cost will be lost.

Also, and this is extremely rare. But if something serious happens to the item in transit and you may not feel like messaging me or following the directions of the shipping company (not ebay) in order to solve the problem, then buy from a different seller.

Finally, to reiterate, make sure you 100% want the item before clicking and your address is 100% correct. Due to bogus fees and wasted time, there are no refunds/cancelations unless the order has not shipped and you agree to losing at least 5% of the total payment. That unfortunately includes 5%+ of the shipping cost also. If the order has been shipped, a refund *might* be available minus 100% of all shipping costs and minus 20% of the buy price.