Bernegal or glass or catavinos. Silver. 17th-18th centuries.

With contrast marks.

Bernegal made in silver in its color that has a circular foot, body widening upwards and two flat handles in "that" with the central part widened. It has contrast marks on the handle (unidentified) and a burr mark on the base. Both Bernegalese and scrambles were very common typologies in 17th century Spanish Baroque silverware, and continued to be popular in the following century, mainly in centers far from important creative nuclei. Also known as catavinos, this type of drinking glasses were used on special occasions (ceremonies ...), hence their material and the decoration they have, were objects of civil use, although it was not strange or exceptional that they were donated or donated. commissioned for use in churches or liturgical settings.

Compare the present piece with two cups or scrambles from the Collection of the Palacio de Monterrey in Salamanca (a Parisian one made around 1750 and another from Salamanca) decorated with gallons and two raised handles in "that"; with the Bernegal of the Metropolitan Museum made in London in 1680 from the Irwin Untermyer collection (very similar to the present form); or with the Bernegalese couple of Antonio López Díaz (made in Jaén and dated 1758/1772) from the Valencia Institute of Don Juan in Madrid.

 Weight: 162 grams."

· Size: 14x11x9 cms.


Bernegal con dos asas. Plata. Siglos XVII-XVIII.

Con punzones en asa y burilada en base.

Bernegal de plata en su color con pequeño pie realizado a base de molduras lisas que cuenta con dos asas en forma de S de perfiles trabajados y recortados, recordando de cerca modelos del Barroco. La sencillez de líneas, a su vez, podría relacionarse con elementos Neoclásicos de la platería de la época.

Peso: 162 gramos.

Medidas: 14x11x9cms.

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