Professional Component Video To RCA S-Video Down Converter With Component Video Loop-Through Premium Component Video To CVSB RCA Video Down Converter
This HD down converter is a HD component YPbPr and YCbCr type interlaced video to composite RCA video converter, which allows users to view HD video content on a regular non-HD analog TV or feed into a DVR recorder for recording through composite RCA video cable hookup.

It can convert all component videos from 480i 480p and up to 1080p, to standard CVSB RCA video with audio pass-through.

This converter is very ideal for applications like video recording, video conference, business presentation, multimedia room, post production and many other professional setups where both the original HD and the down-converted SD signals needs to be viewed or recorded.

Instant HD Video Down-Converting 
This HD to SD video down converter provides instant conversion from component YPbPr and YCbCr video input to standard video output.

The down conversion from HD video to SD video is all done automatically with no lags. 

Supports All Component Video Input Resolutions
All component YPbPr, YCbCr/YUV video format and input resolutions are supported including:

Quality Down-Conversion
The down-converted composite RCA video output along with the audio pass-through will retain the original HD video quality at its best while maintaining the original 16:9 aspect ratio. 

No stretching and no cropping from its RCA video output.

Selectable NTSC PAL Video Output
This component video to composite RCA video converter provides users with selection of NTSC and PAL output standard.