This is a sculpture entitled "Eternal Springtime" (1884) by Auguste Rodin.

This is a highly collectible, quality, bonded bronze sculpture.

Guaranteed fully authentic and authorized piece! Absolute Mint Condition, comes new in box! Measures 6.75" H. x 4.5" W. x 5" L. 

Comes with a full color card with an image of the original artwork and a description card about Rodin and his artwork. Both cards are in four languages.

This sculpture is amazing! When the public visits a museum, they repeatedly visit the same artworks to look at them from a different perspective. This fantastic sculpture offers art lovers the ability to “view” their favorite artwork in their own home, from an entirely different perspective, and in a different dimension: 3D! Have you ever wondered what the artwork looked like from behind the painting? Or from the side? To remind you of your museum experience, each figurine comes with a color card of the original painting, information about the painter and a description of the specific figurine reproduced.

The Eternal Springtime (1884) This expressive sculpture of two lovers is almost Baroque in style. It rapidly became one of Rodin's most popular works. Multiple bronze and marble versions were created. Rodin probably designed the image for his famous Gates of Hell which explains the frontal composition. The lovers exude the joy Rodin experienced during the first years of his relationship with Camille Claudel as does the renowned sculpture The Kiss. At that time, he discovered, as he put it, how much the combination of physical attraction and mental compatibility could mean to a man.
AUGUSTE RODIN (1840-1917) For a long time the life of the sculptor Rodin was marked by the mixed reactions his work provoked with the audience. The lack of understanding for Rodin's work was partly due to the original character of his art. He felt little for the strict formats of Romanticism and neither did he want to identify himself with the neutrality of the Impressionists. Rodin's work is characterized by a passion for the human body and he considered himself incapable of any creativity if he did not have a living model in of him. 'In everything I follow nature and I never pretend I am able to control her. My only ambition is to be subservient and faithful to her'. He said. Questions about his often controversial, erotic works were answered with the remark: 'Art is actually nothing more than a manifestation of lust, which only arises from the potency to love.'

Rodin's life upheld this belief with a vast succession of lovers having passed his artistic eye. Many affairs were brief, but one of them turned out to be of enormous value to his later work; Camille Claudel. This self-willed, fierce woman, who was a very talented sculptor herself, inspired him to create his most famous and admired sculptures. The affair continued for a long time, although Camille had to put up with Rodin's numerous escapades and his loyal companion Rose Beuret. Eventually, the affair ended and Camille suffered the dramatic consequences of this split. She became isolated and confused and in the end she was forced by her family to have herself admitted to psychiatric hospital.

This beautifully detailed piece retails at galleries for over $200.


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